Saturday 29 August 2020


 A strong handgrip is a simple sign of good brain health, new research underlines.

Similarly, higher walking speed also indicates better cognitive abilities with age.

People with a stronger grip are less likely to develop brain-related diseases, such as dementia and stroke.

The link between strength and brain health suggests that weight training can be beneficial to the brain.

/////////////////////////How higher education changes your personality.

University education has a positive effect on people’s personalities, recent research finds.

People generally become more extraverted after completing higher education.

The personalities of students from poorer backgrounds benefit even more from attending university.

Along with increased extraversion, these students become more agreeable.

Extraversion and agreeableness are two of the five major aspects of personality.

The other three are openness to experience, neuroticism and conscientiousness.

////////////////////////////////GBS "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul."


/////////////////////////To study the way of enlightenment is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be actualized by myriad things. 

—Eihei Dogen Zenji, “Tea and Rice”

Looking SW, a view of land clearance for the inner relief road and new roundabout at the bottom of Marlow Hill, High Wycombe. 28 Jul 1966

Looking SW, a view of land clearance for the inner relief road and new roundabout at the bottom of Marlow Hill, High Wycombe. 28 Jul 1966

Bucks Free Press:


////////////////////////Somehow, when I became an adult, I had forgotten what nature meant to me as a child. I think most of us are connected to nature deeply as children, and yet we get easily distracted from it as we get older. I don’t think I am unique in that respect at all.

//////////////////////////BG 13.27: O best of the Bharatas, whatever moving or unmoving being you see in existence, know it to be a combination of the field of activities and the knower of the field.


///////////////////////////We are just being slaughtered and slaughtered
one lifetime after another — 
don’t let your wisdom, compassion and power be so weak!

— Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol





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