Friday 28 August 2020

SHADWELL "Words may be false and full of art; Sighs are the natural language of the heart."

 "Words may be false and full of art; Sighs are the natural language of the heart."

/////////////////////////Persistence only takes you so far.

Then you need to try a different approach.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

///////////////////////////HB MIND

///////////////////////////“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” ~Stephen Covey


/////////////////////////////“Sometimes, life is a logjam,” my therapist said

/////////////////////////////The pandemic has thrown a lot of our lives into a logjam. A lot of us feel stuck. A lot of us have our eyes set on the future, when the logs will begin rolling again. Maybe you’re thinking, “Everything will be back to normal by the winter.” Of course, it might be, and I hope so. But it also very well might not be back to normal by then.



BG 12.17: Those who neither rejoice in mundane pleasures nor despair in worldly sorrows, who neither lament for any loss nor hanker for any gain, who renounce both good and evil deeds, such persons who are full of devotion are very dear to Me.

///////////////////////HIBU MIND


Onward, Forward, Godward
by Swami Sivananda



I did japa of OM.

I chanted OM, I sang OM,

I meditated on OM.

The individuality slowly dissolved;

It faded away into the Infinite Being.

The loss of personality is no extinction.

It is the only true, whole, eternal life.

It is the bhuma experience.

This exalted state is utterly beyond words.

It is not a confused state,

It is a state of ineffable bliss and joy.

It is the clearest of the clearest,

It is the surest of the surest;

It is like the apple in the palm of the hand.

Death here is a ridiculous impossibility.

Immortal elixir flows here perennially,

Wisdom shines in profound effulgence,

Perfect peace reigns supreme!

//////////////Bhuma is a celebration of the auspicious qualities of the Supreme One. When Bhuman is seen and heard, nothing else is seen or heard. When Bhuman is known, nothing else is known. This is not to be interpreted as sameness of Bhuman and chit and achit.

/////////////////......BUT I M RICH AND THIN ....FRNDS 


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