Saturday 29 December 2007



//////////////////RAS-WAIT FOR LOTTO


The Simple Dollar
Zen and the Art of Item Replacement
Posted: 28 Dec 2007 02:00 PM CST
My family has only one television in the house, and it is primarily used for playing Wii games. It’s an enormous, extremely heavy old 32″ television, bought when I was in college and now approaching ten years old. In all four corners, the screen has begun to turn faintly blue, and it shows up particularly well on a white screen, as the cloudiness covers a good portion of the screen.
Not too long ago, I would have insisted on replacing this immediately, but in all honesty, it doesn’t interfere with any of our usage of the television. Thus, we’ll keep it until the issue becomes serious enough that it disallows our use of the television for any purpose.
Quite frankly, some of our friends and family think this is weird. “Why don’t you just replace it?” they ask. “You can afford it, you know,” they’ll say, as though they need to remind us that we can, in fact, spend money.
The real truth of the matter is that my wife and I have started to follow a set of unwritten rules about when and how to upgrade or replace the items that we have now. I thought it might be fun to actually write some of these down and share them.
Rule #1: If it isn’t broke, don’t replace it.This means that if we have an item that is functional, we don’t replace it with something newer (there are a few little caveats to this that I’ll explain later). This rule is why we haven’t replaced our television yet and we probably won’t until the tube blows - it’s functional, so why replace it?
Rule #2: When we do replace something, we replace it with long term quality and reliability.For example, our house came with a washer and dryer set that we plan on using until they’re on death’s door. At that point, we will pony up and buy quality replacements for them - ones that are energy efficient and designed to last for the long haul. This might cost us a lot out of pocket right then, but the efficiency and reliability of the items will pay dividends for many years afterwards.
Rule #3: Upgrading before the end of the lifespan is fine if there is a clear and compelling functional reason for the change.Our kitchen knives are a great example of this. We have a functional set of kitchen knives that work well for most of our uses, but they’re not excellent and they are frustrating for some tasks (vegetable chopping, etc.). The knives simply aren’t designed well enough to execute repetitive chopping and so on. Thus, the knives are on our list of items to replace in the future. When we do replace them, we will replace them with stellar knives, ones intended to last a lifetime.
Rule #4: No item is upgraded unless we both agree on the need for the upgrade.If this rule weren’t in place, I might have already replaced the knives. However, my wife is still riding the fence on them - we’ve slated a replacement for them in the long term, but not immediately. Why? Her argument is that they still do most tasks well, so we should buy single knife upgrades for specific tasks. My argument is that some single knives will just encourage us to upgrade all of them, so we might as well save the money and get the whole set. We will do a knife upgrade when we are in full agreement on what to do, but until then, we’ll wait until we agree on what to do.
Rule #5: Try to avoid things that have a steady “upgrade” cycle.Video game consoles come to mind. We own a Wii, and we know from the past that video game consoles are “upgraded” every five years or so, with the console manufacturer reducing and then eliminating support for the old console as the new one begins to sell well. Does this mean we upgrade when the new console comes out? I don’t really plan to as long as I’m still enjoying games for my Wii - I actually have far more games right now than I have time to play, so why upgrade until I’ve gotten the enjoyment out of everything that I have?
The same logic goes for HD-DVD and BluRay. I see no reason to ever upgrade to them until it literally becomes impossible to get movies on regular DVD - and even then, I won’t upgrade for a while. Why? I have all of the movies I enjoy watching repeatedly on DVD already, so why upgrade to a new format? I’m very glad to see that some family members of mine feel the same way - one of them actually has a VCR in a box (just in case they completely go off the market) so that they can continue to watch their video tape collection and aren’t forced into an upgrade that doesn’t really add value.
In short, we don’t upgrade that often, but when we do, we do it with items of quality, not just a cheap replacement item.


/////////////////Six Golden Rules for Ruling Your GoldFor the most part, these six golden rules boil down to one thing: don’t buy something unless you need to buy it. The six golden rules are largely corollaries to this general statement: borrow things if you can (via neighbors or the library), don’t buy items to replace the ones you’re already using and are still working, and so on. Perhaps the best tip in the whole chapter is to focus on pinching dollars rather than pinching pennies: instead of burning a bunch of time trying to “optimize” the interest on your savings account, instead spend that time making sure you’re putting money automatically into a savings account to begin with.

////////////////////// Buy a Home, Not a CastleHere, the topic is housing, and Yeager is firmly in the “buy within your means and pay it off ASAP” club. He also doesn’t believe in banking on your home’s value for retirement, which is definitely the correct lesson to take from the last year or so in the housing market. Instead, he advocates buying cheap, getting a “real” mortgage for it, then paying it off quickly through accelerated payments.
Yeager makes a good argument for doing this, one that made me go run the numbers. Let’s say, hypothetically, you had the choice between a $200,000 and a $400,000 house right now, and you can get a 30 year mortgage for either one at 6%. For the $200K house, your monthly payment is $1,199.10 and for the $400K house, your monthly payment is $2,398.20. You have enough to just make that larger payment, so if you buy the cheaper house, you can make double payments.
With the cheaper house, you will have the house paid off in nine years and will have dropped $59,428.74 in interest. If you keep putting that $2,398.20 into the bank each month, in eight more years, you’ll have $200,000 in equity in the house and $200,000 in cash in the savings account - in only nineteen years and with only $59,428.74 paid in interest. With the more expensive house, you’ll own the house in thirty years, but will have paid $463,352.70 in interest. That’s a pretty good argument for buying as cheap as you can and paying it off rapidly.



////////////////////Now That’s EntertainmentRight off the bat, Yeager pulls out one of the most valuable points from a book I discussed a while back, Daniel Gilbert’s Stumbling on Happiness. In it, Gilbert makes the assertion that most stuff tends to lose value over time, while most experiences retain their value through memories and such. Thus, if you have $2,000 in the bank and want to spend it to entertain yourself, you’re far better off spending it on a great vacation than on a flat panel television that you don’t really need.
Yeager then goes on to point out that many, many great experiences are cheap. I tend to agree, actually. While the best vacation I ever spent was with my wife on a honeymoon to England, I can’t honestly say that the massive extra expense compared to some of our other vacations (say, our camping trip on Mount Rainier above the snow line in summer) was worth it. In terms of bang for the buck, actually, my favorite vacation of all was probably a camping trip in the summer of 2006 - we made a road trip out of it and camped on the north shore of Lake Superior with our son when he was eight months old or so. We spent almost an entire week there and spent barely $100, but I remember it fondly (and the video of my eight month old staring wide-eyed out over the lake is one of my favorite captured moments of his life so far).

/////////////////////Go Forth and Be CheapIn the end, Yeager hits it right on the head. Frugality is about valuing time more than stuff. For some people, this seems surprising - how, then, can I talk about making homemade bread as a frugal experience? To me, cooking is a spiritually fulfilling activity, well worth my time invested in it even if it didn’t save us money (and, trust me, sometimes it doesn’t). In the end, it really is all about time - and making sure that you have the time to do the things that are valuable to you.

////////////////////I AM A RESTLESS WoNDERER

///////////////////LON-ALON-ASSTD LON

////////////////////DR ACULA -VENESECTOR



/////////////////////Climatic Chain Reaction Caused Runaway Greenhouse Effect 55 Million Years Ago (December 27, 2007) -- Analogous to the Earth's current situation, greenhouse warming 55 million years ago was caused by a relatively rapid increase of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. The study shows that a large proportion of the greenhouse gases was released as a result of a chain-reaction of events. ... > full story

Four Reasons to be Social
Ongoing research illustrates the powerful influence that bonds with family and friends have on both emotional well-being and physical health, especially as we get older.Interact with these tips

///////////////////////Empathy Causes Facial Similarity Between Couples to Increase Over Time
Would you believe that people who live with each other for 25 years actually develop similar facial features? I don't just mean that people tend to choose partners who resemble them, rather that over time together couple's features actually converge. It's weird, but there's evidence for it from a singular study carried out by the noted psychologist Robert Zajonc and colleagues.» Read on about facial similarity between couples -»

//////////////////////The 'Myth' of Fossil Fuels -The Deep, Hot Biosphere
"No scientific subject holds more surprises for us than biology."
Freeman Dyson -Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton
Cornell University Professor Emeritus Thomas Gold, who for 20 years directed the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, proposes the striking and controversial theory that "a full functioning... biosphere, feeding on hydrocarbons, exists deep within the earth, and that a primordial source of hydrocarbons lies even deeper." ...
Read the whole entry »

//////////////////////No tales are finer than those created by life itself.”—Hans Anderson.



//////////////////////////FC=Math Notes
2025 = (20 + 25)^2

23025 = (30 + 25)^2

29801 = (98 + 01)^2


//////////////////////Chapter VIII: The Yoga of the Indestructible BrahmanVIII.11. YADAKSHARAM VEDAVIDO VADANTI VISHANTI YADYATAYO VEETARAAGAAH; YADICCHANTO BRAHMACHARYAM CHARANTI TATTE PADAM SAMGRAHENA PRAVAKSHYE. (Krishna speaking to Arjuna)That which is declared imperishable by those who know the Vedas, that which the self-controlled (ascetics) and passion-free enter, that desiring which celibacy is practised-that goal I will declare to thee in brief. VIII.12. SARVADWAARAANI SAMYAMYA MANO HRIDI NIRUDHYA CHA; MOORDHNYAADHAAYAATMANAH PRAANAMAASTHITO YOGADHAARANAAM. Having closed all the gates, confined the mind in the heart and fixed the life-breath in the head, engaged in the practice of concentration, VIII.13. OMITYEKAAKSHARAM BRAHMA VYAAHARAN MAAMANUSMARAN; YAH PRAYAATI TYAJAN DEHAM SA YAATI PARAMAAM GATIM. Uttering the monosyllable Om-the Brahman-remembering Me always, he who departs thus, leaving the body, attains to the supreme goal.


////////////////////////NY 2008 RESOLN -DIETWALKAND SAVE=DWAS

////////////////////////FUTURE TENSE

Doctors fear rickets resurgencePregnant women must boost their vitamin D intake during winter to ward off rickets in children, says the government.

/////////////////////////Karma of the Brain: Why Good Things Happen to Good People New research suggests that doing good deeds can actually help people live longer, healthier lives... "The remarkable bottom line of the science of love is that giving protects overall health twice as much as Aspirin protects against heart disease." Read more here...

///////////////////////////Scientist Claims Proof of Afterlife Scientists at The University of Arizona have done extensive research, and say that they have the proof that when we die we continue to live beyond our physical bodies. "Almost anyone who sees the data says there's something real here," said one of the researchers. Read more here...

/////////////////////////Scientist Claims Proof of Afterlife
Research Finds Accuracy Of Mediums Channeling Dead PeopleSource:
What happens after we die -- do we continue on or is this life the end?
Many of us hope there is an afterlife, and now some Arizona scientists say they have proof through their afterlife experiments.
There are many people who say they have died and come back to life. They claim to have experienced an afterlife, even if for only a short time.
Scientists at The University of Arizona have done extensive research, and say that they have the proof that when we die we continue to live beyond our physical bodies.
"Almost anyone who sees the data says there's something real here," said one of the researchers.
Allison Dubois is a spiritual medium, or someone thought to be able to communicate with the dead.
Christine Vettore was brought in for a reading with Dubois, who attempted to contact Vettore's dead relatives.
"I'm hopeful that there's an afterlife so I can see everybody I've lost already," said Vettore.
It doesn't take long -- within seconds, Dubois says Vettore's daughter is coming through.
It is a gift Dubois says she's had her whole life, but it comes with a lot of criticism.
"I think there are some people that are Charlatans, and with any profession there's going to be some bad apples, so I mean that just goes with the territory, so the ones that are accurate and are legitimate just have to prove themselves," said Dubois.
This reading is part of a science experiment -- Dr. Gary Schwartz, of the University of Arizona, is observing.
The Harvard-trained doctor looked for what he calls hits and misses, or the accuracy of the reading.
He's building on his hypothesis that there is life after death, and that mediums can talk to those who have died. After Vettore's daughter is contacted, Dubois contacted Vettore's brother and mother. She is able nail facts, giving details about the relations that she could not have known beforehand.
For instance, Dubois tells Vettore that her mother knows there's a carrot cake and a bowl of peanuts in her house.
"None of those things do I ever have in my house. I have those things in my house this month, carrot cake and peanuts, so that was weird," said Vettore.
The accuracy is amazing to Vettore, because she had never met or talked to Dubois before. She said Dubois was accurate in 80 to 90 percent of everything she said.
Skeptics say that Dubois is just guessing, but Schwartz says it is impossible for someone to guess and be that accurate.
For the past seven years, he has been testing mediums and other things tied to death, using science to explain what happens when we leave our physical bodies.
"Saying that this is against the grain with academia sort of puts it mildly," said Schwartz.
Schwartz has done multiple experiments under very controlled conditions. One of the most intriguing studies included five of the most respected mediums in the world, hooked up to monitors and computers.
In the experiment, 10 people were read by the five mediums. In lab conditions, a medium sat down with an individual and there would be a divider between them.
When that medium finished, the next would come in, until all five mediums had given a reading for the individual.
Schwartz and his staff would then compare the readings. They were astonished to find that in most cases, the mediums would bring through the same people and the same messages, with an 80-90 percent accuracy rate.
"There are so many people that are going to try to find holes in what we've done … there is not a hole to find when we agree, or get a final protocol done," said Schwartz.
The scientists call their findings survival of consciousness -- meaning our physical bodies die, but we continue on.
The research continues with studies that include near-death survivors.
Schwartz says near-death experience research completely dovetails and supports what's coming from the mediums.
He says he will continue his research, and that the data doesn't lie.
"When you look at the totality of the data from our laboratory, the simplest explanation is actually that survival of consciousness is real," said Schwartz.
RELATED ARTICLE: What Happens After Death?

/////////////////////A house on our road is on the market for sale at £825k or for rent at £500pm. By my reckoning £500pm would buy a 400k mortgage, so you can effectively rent for half the price of buying. So what iis the point of buying? Does this mean prices need to halve? I don't think we'll be buying for years.
Davie P, London ,

//////////////////////////Does the Brain Tap Into the Future?Bierman recently repeated these experiments using an fMRI brain scanner and documented emotional responses in brain activity up to 4 seconds before the stimuli. Other laboratories have made similar findings. Read more here...

///////////////////////What Happens After "Death"?
By Adrian CooperExcerpt from Our Ultimate Reality
I would like to commence this section by emphatically stating an extremely important truth which everyone should know and understand beyond any possible doubt: There really is no such state as “death”.
What many people believe to be the finality of “death” is in fact no more and no less than the transition from one state of life and reality, that of the physical matter, to a state of life of a vastly finer density of the Universe, often known as the “Astral planes”, sometimes referred to as “the beyond”, the “fourth dimension” or the “afterlife”.
What they are called is of no consequence however, the fact is they do exist and for a time becomes the new home for people departing physical life, before either returning for another life on earth or progressing to the inner spheres of reality, the Mental planes, the Spirit worlds.
We will discuss the nature of the Astral planes later in this book, but first we will look at the process erroneously known as “death”.
We are all multi-dimensional beings, each of us having numerous “bodies” corresponding to our many states of “being” within the multi-dimensional Universe. These very broadly consist of the physical body, the Etheric or Energy Body, the Astral Body and the Mental bodies. We have numerous Mental or Spirit bodies, all relating to the infinite degrees and states of vibration, density and being, ranging from the very lowest to the very highest. The Astral Body is often referred to as the “Soul” and the Mental Body the immortal “Spirit”. It is the Mental Body, the immortal Spirit that is “made in the true image of God”, not the physical body as many suppose.
God is pure Spirit, and ultimately every single person exists as pure Spirit beyond all concept of form. The seat of our very “being” or Consciousness is within the Mental Body, the immortal Spirit. The Astral Body, the Soul, actually consists of both the conjoined Astral and Mental bodies, and is therefore can be more accurately referred to as the Astra-Mental Body. These subtle bodies are composed of Energy, vibrations, the nature of which is completely unique for everyone, each individual possessing a unique Energy signature by means of which they can be uniquely identified.
Within the inner spheres of reality, the Astral and Mental planes, people exist at the level of vibration of the Ether that is exactly equivalent to the level of vibration of their Astral and Mental bodies respectively. The level of vibration of the Astral and Mental Body depends in turn upon many factors, including but not limited to individual degree of ennoblement or perfection, degree to which the ego has been transcended, realisation of Spirit or “God” within, degree of unresolved karma, and most importantly the realisation of the most powerful force in the Universe; Unconditional Love.
So what actually happens when people experience physical “death”? The circumstances upon which people arrive at the end of their current physical existence obviously varies very widely, and can range from very sudden death, for example resulting from an accident or sudden illness, through death as a result of a long illness, to natural death as a result of old age; and of course there are numerous possibilities in between.
Regardless of the precise circumstances prevailing at the end of physical life, what follows is substantially the same in all cases. At the instant where the physical body ceases to function, a large amount of Vital Energy is transferred to the Etheric Body, also known as the Energy Body. The Etheric, or Energy Body also includes the Astral and Mental bodies. The Etheric Body will then, in many cases become the new “temporary” body of the recently “deceased” person. Sometimes however the recently deceased person will transition directly to the Astral worlds.
What happens next again varies from person to person and circumstance to circumstance, but is usually in the range of the following possibilities. Those who do not transition directly to the Astral worlds will, immediately after physical death, find themselves very much “alive” in their Etheric Body. A person after “death” can often fully observe everything happening around them, including all people present.
In fact what the person is “seeing” is not their actual physical surroundings, no longer having any physical senses and existing a a much higher rate of vibration and lower density as compared to the actual physical world, but is rather a very close Etheric “reflection” of those surroundings; but to all intents and purposes they seem identical.
If other people are present, for example doctors, the person might well see and hear himself or herself being pronounced “dead”. The “deceased” person can then, if desired, stay and watch what happens to their “old body”, observe the actions of the people present for example doctors, nurses and relatives, or may decide to immediately go elsewhere.
It should be noted that in this much finer state of existence as pure Energy, it is quite possible to travel anywhere in the world or indeed the entire Universe in an instant, literally at the speed of thought. The Etheric plane is a Mind world, an extension of the Astral planes and the Universe as a whole, and therefore existing beyond the boundaries and restrictions of physical space and time.
The “deceased” person often remains very close to the physical world while the level of Etheric Energy in their Etheric Body remains sufficiently high. They will very often make the most of this opportunity to visit and say goodbye to family and friends, and perhaps to visit their old home and favourite places they particularly enjoyed in physical life. Of course, living people cannot, with the exception of psychics and clairvoyants, usually “see” the “deceased” person, and usually any attempt by the deceased person to communicate with living people will fail. Very often the “deceased” person will also attend their own funeral, not only to see all family, friends and other people they knew in physical life gatherer to pay their respects, but also to realise the finality of the end of that particular physical life on Earth.
The deceased person can make the decision to transition to the Astral worlds at any time simply by desiring and willing it to happen, and by thinking of being there, but only if they realise the possibility exists. Otherwise the transition will usually take place naturally once the supply of Etheric Energy is depleted, and the dense Etheric Body will dissipate, giving way to the finer vibrations of the Astral Body, naturally enabling a transition to the appropriate level of the Astral planes in accordance with the level of perfection of the Soul, and the level of vibrations of the person generally. This will determine which part of the Astral planes they will naturally migrate to, most decent people transitioning to the mid-Astral worlds which, as well will see later in this book, are remarkably similar to the physical world that has been left behind.
The other extreme occurs when a newly deceased person transitions directly to the Astral world almost immediately after physical “death”. Sometimes they will be aware of their physical death, but very often the first thing a deceased person will be aware of is a “tunnel of light” into which they are pulled at great speed. In other cases the scenery will simply fade away from the physical world and “melt” into the Astral world almost seamlessly.
Irrespective of how the deceased person arrives in the Astral world, they will never be alone. Other Astral residents, frequently previously deceased relatives and friends, will often be there to greet them and to help them to settle into their new home. Very often the newly deceased person will arrive at, or be taken to a place in the Astral world which is effectively a “reception area” for newly arrived Souls. There they will be met by a host of helpers with the task of assisting new arrivals to settle in to their new Astral home. Such helpers specialise in all manner of cases, and are able to assist with the transition process regardless of the circumstances surrounding physical death. There are billions of people living within the Astral world, having previously experienced life from the past, present and future of Earth.
Every eventuality is fully accounted for, and no person is ever left alone in the Astral worlds after physical death. For most decent people arriving at the mid-levels of the Astral worlds, those who have led a “normal” life and had no strongly held beliefs, in particular religious beliefs, the environment is always extremely peaceful and harmonious but otherwise quite similar in many respects to the Earth environment from whence they just arrived. If the physical death was sudden, violent or due to some self-inflicted disorder such as alcoholism, or the person was ill for some time before physical death occurred, there will be the Astral equivalent of hospitals with doctors and nurses, people who might well have been doctors and nurses in a previous life on hand to assist.
Very often, because the Astral worlds can appear to be almost identical to the physical world in appearance, some people simply do not believe they have actually “died”, and therefore cannot understand what has happened. Such people can become most bewildered and confused and might require attention by specialist helpers until they can come to terms with their new state of existence in the “afterlife” of the Astral worlds.
Another situation requiring a great deal of care from Astral specialists are the cases of children, infants and babies who leave the physical world before their time. In these situations there are the equivalent of specialist nurses and carers on hand who will look after the child until he or she is old enough to join a family in the Astral worlds. There are many such families who will gladly take on the responsibility of looking after children who arrived before their own parents. Older children will usually join a family as soon as they have come to terms with their new reality and home in the Astral worlds.
Children can usually adapt to their new life in the Astral worlds much more quickly than adults, largely because they had not yet been fully indoctrinated into the ways of the physical world. Younger children might well feel at home in the Astral worlds almost immediately as it has not been very long since they originally left the Astral or Spirit worlds to be born into the physical life which they have recently departed. Such children will therefore still be of an age where they can still vividly remember their previous life in the Astral or Spirit worlds. To such infants their stay on Earth was nothing more than a very short adventure, often with a specific purpose in their own individual evolution and progress on the path.
Upon arriving in the Astral worlds most people settle in to their new home very quickly indeed, and soon create a new “life” for themselves. They will, sooner or later, completely lose interest in the physical world and their previous life associated with it. However, people living in the Astral worlds can, and very often do “visit” the physical world whenever they feel the need to, often to visit loved ones left behind. There are numerous cases of bereaved family and friends suddenly feeling the “presence” of their loved one, and in these cases it very often really is their loved one visiting for a time from the Astral worlds.
It should be mentioned that “deceased” people living in the Astral worlds will often watch over their loved ones still living in the physical world, guiding them by means of inspiration, and protecting them from inner dangers whenever possible. Because the Universe is infinite living Mind, thought is a very powerful primary Energy, and it is therefore relatively easy for people in the Astral worlds to influence the Minds of people still living in the physical world. Such influence can suddenly arrive in the Minds of people on Earth as intuition, inspiration or ideas, the recipient of such thoughts believing them to be their own thoughts and ideas. Pets, such as cats and dogs, can very often sense the presence of their deceased owners in a very powerful way.
It is also possible for people living in the Astral worlds to visit family and others in their dreams. This happens much more often than most people realise. Dreams of meeting deceased people are often very real indeed, and such contacts should always be noted, taken very seriously and any messages remembered. Everyone in the physical world leaves their body at night while in deep sleep, and Astral residents sometimes take this opportunity to meet with their loved ones “face to face” in the Astral worlds, such meetings often being remembered in the morning as a vivid lifelike dream. Again, these meetings are often very real indeed and should always be remembered and all messages received well and truly noted. Sometimes important information is passed on this way, as well as reassurances that the “deceased” person is very well, happy and content in their new Astral home.
Although it is perfectly natural, and to a reasonable extent healthy to grieve for a deceased loved one, it is most important to realise these people are not really “dead”, and have not therefore in any way ceased to exist. The loved one is now living in what is actually a truer reality than the physical world. Assuming they are living in the mid to high Astral worlds, or within the Spirit worlds, they will be experiencing an existence of pure love, light, bliss, peace and happiness on a level beyond the comprehension of most people still living on Earth.
One of the benefits of Astral Projection, which will be discussed in detail later in this book, is the ability to visit and explore the Astral worlds and to meet deceased loved ones and friends. To Astral projectors death holds no absolutely fears whatsoever, with the absolute knowing, beyond any doubts whatsoever the glorious life waiting after the final release from the confines of physical life on the physical plane in the restrictions of a physical body.
As we will also see later in this book, everyone in the Astral worlds lives at the same level, the same realm, sphere or plane as people who were of a similar nature in the physical world; similar characters, beliefs and in particular level of Spiritual development. In the mid-Astral worlds where most decent people, probably around fifty percent or more transition after physical death, there is no work, no money, no unhappiness, but rather complete peace and happiness, everyone living together in perfect harmony. People, who in the physical world were disruptive in any way, will be living in the lower Astral worlds with like Minded, similarly disruptive people, thus always preserving the complete peace and harmony of the inner Astral worlds. Of course everyone always has the opportunity to evolve from the lower Astral worlds to the inner Astral worlds once they have learned their lessons, and have attained a vibration that will enable them to co-exist with others at the same higher level of vibration.
People who have left the physical world of matter have been liberated once again, and will live and rest for a time in the Astral and Mental worlds before returning to Earth once again if necessary to begin a new physical life. Friends, relatives and loved ones should celebrate this joyfully! Death, however sad, tragic or unexpected means the liberation of a Soul from their physical body to the inner worlds of existence where they will be with like-Minded people.
Although people still living in the physical world regard those living in the Astral and Spirit worlds as “dead”, to those people who passed on to and our now living in the Astral and Spirit worlds it is the people still living in the density of the physical world, with all of the trials it brings who actually appear to be “dead” by comparison, dead to the splendours, glories, peace, harmony and liberation of the inner worlds, to which every single person will transition sooner or later.
“Death” should never be feared. It is something to anticipate when the time comes as a completely natural aspect of individual evolution, and a transition to glorious worlds of pure harmony, bliss and beauty, inhabited by like-Minded people, where none of the hardships, trials and misery that is so prevalent on Earth exists. The transition of passing to the inner, Astral worlds is a joyous time, a time for celebration.
Adrian Cooper is the author of “Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind”


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