Thursday 29 February 2024


Sumn nbr 88. Lone old mn line

Is this how the movie ends. RD line. Care home

Can’t see the florist from the trees

Stung by a B. Minus


Lord Krishna himself said in the Gita, ‘Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer in sacrifice, whatever you give away, and whatever you practise in the form of austerities, Arjun (Son of Bua Kunti) — do it as an offering to me.’ In other words, don’t keep anything for yourself. But is this an easy task? One has to make a tremendous effort; it does not happen by itself.


Imagine standing on a cliff, gazing at a vast ocean…

…each wave rises and falls, distinct yet part of the sea. This is our playground for exploring the enigma of consciousness.

We're not just splashing around in shallow waters here. We're diving deep into the abyss where self and universe merge, where consciousness feels trapped in our bodies, yet the physical world dances on…

…unbothered by our mortal exit.

Consciousness feels trapped, doesn't it?

Like a bird in a cage, fluttering against the bars of our physical form. We're so fixated on this idea of 'I' within the body.

But here's a kicker: What if this 'I' is just a story we tell ourselves? The body is a mere vessel, a temporary abode for this ungraspable thing we call consciousness. Consider the ocean again. Each wave seems separate…

…but isn't it just the ocean doing its dance?

What happens when we die? The world keeps spinning, doesn't it?

Our exit from the stage doesn't halt the play. Consciousness, this elusive trickster, seems to weave in and out of form. Yet, the physical world, indifferent to our personal dramas, persists. It's a cosmic joke, really. We're so consumed by our own existence...

…that we forget we're just a blip in the infinite timeline of the universe.

Here's the twist in the tale.

Everything we perceive as separate is, in fact, part of a singular, all-encompassing awareness.

The notion of individuality? An illusion. A figment of our collective imagination. We're like actors playing parts, so engrossed in our roles that we forget it's just a play. In reality, there's no separation, no 'me' and 'the world'.

It's all one grand, intricate dance of consciousness.

The paradox of consciousness is not just a riddle to solve.

It's a gateway to freedom. Once you see the illusion, you can't unsee it. There's no turning back. You begin to understand that the sense of separation, the feeling of being trapped in a body, is just a part of the cosmic play. And in that realization lies liberation. You're not just a wave; you're the entire ocean.

So, ride the waves of this existence with the knowledge that separation is an illusion, a trick of the mind. Dance with it, laugh with it, but don't be fooled by it. In the end, we're all just stardust…

…playing our part in the universe's grand narrative.

Niyati ke maryada se badhe hai. Probhu Sri Ram

Icchamrityu. Lord Ram. Bhishma

Beyond duality. Beyond comfort v torment

Wednesday 28 February 2024

ET. Primacy of Being

Pacing automatism in CED

Schrödinger wife equation. Wf is both right and wrong. Never able to know

Stillness. Resolving the karmic cycle



“Only about 20 per cent of how long a person lives is determined by genes,” says Buettner. “The other 80 per cent is determined by lifestyle and environment. Those factors add around eight years of additional life expectancy.”


We think of humour as a distinctly human emotion, but some animals may also use it to strengthen their bonds.


Many scientists believe that humour is far more widespread amongst the animal kingdom

In a 2005 study, animal behaviourist Patricia Simonet played the sound to dogs at a rescue shelter. She found that listening to dog "laughter" made the shelter dogs less stressed out.

"My supervisor [neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp] would always say play is the fertiliser for the brain, and it's true. Their brains are connecting. They're making new synapses and new neural connections. And so I think that tells us that when we're in those playful humorous moods, we're actually performing at our best and we are being our best selves," says Burgdorf.


"I've seen this in dogs, foxes, wild coyotes and wild wolves," says Bekoff.

In fact, Bekoff says that during his career he has heard stories about many species who act like stand-up comedians and jokesters, including horses, Asian black bears and the scarlet macaw.

There's even evidence that rats enjoy a good laugh



Monday 26 February 2024

ET. Contemplating non resistance

RIA Maya. Resistance. Irritation. Anger

ET. Get out of your mind and be present



Only one in five children around the world do enough physical activity.




In the digital world of endless comparisons, a thought-provoking study by a team at Ruhr University Bochum reveals a startling truth: materialism on social media fuels stress and diminishes happiness. This research, conducted through an online survey of over 1,200 participants, highlights the unique way social media perpetuates materialistic attitudes and the subsequent impact on mental health.

Led by Dr. Phillip Ozimek, the study defines materialism as the importance people attach to worldly possessions. On social media, this is often manifested through posts showcasing expensive items, luxurious vacations, or a seemingly perfect lifestyle. Facebook and Instagram have become breeding grounds for showing off. As users incessantly compare their lives with others, showcasing clothes, cars, and luxurious lifestyles, they fall into a trap of materialistic desire. This constant comparison, especially through passive use, spirals into a relentless pursuit for more, igniting a cycle of dissatisfaction.

Saturday 24 February 2024

SBNR. Spiritual but not religious



Man’s mind has always been trying to do two impossible things. One is: to reform the past – which cannot be done. The past has happened. You cannot really go into the past. When you think of going into the past, at the most you go into the memory of it; it is not the real past, it is just the memory. The past is no more there, so you cannot reform it. This is one of the impossible goals of humanity; man has suffered very much because of it. You want to undo the past – how can you undo it? The past is absolute. The past means: all potentiality of it is finished; it has become actual. Now there is no longer any potentiality to reform it, to undo it, to redo it. You cannot do any thing with the past.

And the second impossible idea that has always dominated the human mind is: to establish the future – which again cannot be done. Future means that which is not yet; you cannot establish it. Future remains unestablished. Future remains open. Future is pure potentiality! Unless it happens, you cannot be certain about it.



Morning light boosts mood by enhancing serotonin, alertness, and stabilizing circadian rhythms



 TRUE origin of your emotions?

Hint: the source is not anywhere outside of you.

That is why when you try to change the world, instead of yourself, you charge headfirst straight into a wall. Each time.



Meditation is not just about God-Realisation. It is also about creativity. When we scan through all our life’s decisions especially when we made the wrong ones which made us unhappy, what was behind it? Was your mind agreeing to it? Was your heart agreeing to it? Your mind may have agreed due to greed or some sort of logic. But if your heart says don’t do it and you overrule your heart and still do it, then the consequences are always bad. The immediate result of meditation is discernment.





According to Buddha, the subconscious mind is very powerful and governing most part of our life.

This is the reason Buddha taught the Vippasna meditation. Vippasna meditation is a method of going to the subconscious mind and then change the programmings.

How these programmings are formed according to Buddha?

Let's understand it through an example

Suppose you are eating something then your subconscious mind don't know what you are eating, only the concious mind knows it .

Subconscious mind understand through feelings. If you are feeling good while eating then subconscious mind understand that this food is good for you and vice versa even if the food is not heathy for your health.

The subconscious mind always works in duality. Like/ dislike, good /bad etc.

Once registering which food is good for u , it always tries to push you to eat that food. This is the power of subconscious mind. Whatever imprinted on it , becomes a reality.

So , if your change your programmings for success, you would attract success.

Thursday 22 February 2024

Awareness. It is who we are




TikTok has a new design theory on the rise: anyone whose couch doesn’t touch their walls is living in luxury. Having your couch in the middle of the room, according to many TikTok users, is the mark of an expensive home.



I wish we knew. It’s a bit of a mystery, you see. We’re not exactly sure when or how life began on Earth. The fossil record is a bit sketchy the further back you go. We can, however, see that there was no “supernatural cause” that started life. Nothing that we have discovered suggests intelligent design. If God had a hand in it, he had a good way of covering his tracks. Of course, the absence of evidence for a supernatural cause doesn’t prove or disprove the existence of God, and that’s not the point of this question or answer anyway.

Obviously, life as we know it began after Thea crashed into Proto-Earth and created the Earth and Moon as we now know them. That cataclysmic event was extremely violent.

There was water on Earth. At first it wasn’t lying on the surface, but it was inside, much as we have found there is water in lunar regolith. Eventually, much of the water pooled on the surface, and that became the oceans. The amount of water on Earth seems like a lot to us because we live on the surface of a big planet like ants on the sidewalk.

Water seems to be the ingredient that is needed, along with electrical storms and volcanic atmospheric discharge. Given the right conditions, scientists have demonstrated experimentally that amino acids, the basic building blocks of life, can be generated in the lab from an environment and conditions that we think were present on our planet billions of years ago.

All we know is that life seems to be the exception rather than the rule when it comes to exoplanetary science.



Monday 19 February 2024

Sunday 18 February 2024




IGF-1 may help explain why people’s lives appear to be cut short when they eat some low-carb diets but not others.949 Twin Harvard cohorts found that vegetable-based low-carb diets were associated with lower mortality rates, while those based on animal sources increased the risk of premature death by 23 percent and the risk of dying specifically from cancer by 28 percent.950 Even just substituting 5 percent of calories of animal protein with protein from plants, such as beans or nuts, may be associated with a 14 percent lower risk of dying prematurely (and a 19 percent lower risk of dying specifically from dementia).951 Egg protein (found mostly in the egg white) appears to be the worst. Replacing just 3 percent of egg protein with plant protein may be associated with a 24 percent lower risk of premature death in men and a 21 percent lower risk in women.


"The world is full of struggle. It is also full of overcoming."


Although eggs are the single largest source of cholesterol in the American diet, more than any individual type of meat, the number one overall source of cholesterol is meat in general (with twice as much cholesterol coming from white meat as from red).1042 So, researchers expected to find less inflammation in the biopsies from vegetarians than from meat eaters, and they did. Not only did the vegetarians’ thigh fat average fewer than half of the pro-inflammatory macrophages compared to biopsies taken from omnivores, the meat eaters had 80 percent greater expression of tumor necrosis factor, a potent inflammatory marker, in their abdominal fat




why eating nuts can alter our microbiome for the better, boosting the growth of good bugs that produce short-chain fatty acids, but there appears to be no prebiotic influence when we eat the same amount of nut butter. 7


There’s a reason hydrogen sulfide is called “rotten egg gas.” It’s thought to be responsible for the “malodorous rectal flatus” associated with a low-carb diet.7417 One of the strongest predictors of fecal odor when comparing fresh stool samples was found to be whether or not someone eats meat.7418 To shrink the stink, the Harvard Health Letter offers the recommendation to cut back on meat and eggs.7419 Randomize people to different quantities of meat, and a clear correlation with fecal sulfide concentrations can be found.7420 Compared to those eating plant-based diets, individuals who regularly eat meat were found to generate up to fifteen times as much


s. Studies following identical twins suggest that no more than 20 to 30 percent of the variance in lifespan is explained by gene inheritance



Chapter 5, The Fool

60. Long is the night to the sleepless; long is the league to the weary. Long is worldly existence to fools who know not the Sublime Truth.

61. Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let him resolutely pursue a solitary course; there is no fellowship with the fool.

62. The fool worries, thinking, "I have sons, I have wealth." Indeed, when he himself is not his own, whence are sons, whence is wealth?

63. A fool who knows his foolishness is wise at least to that extent, but a fool who thinks himself wise is a fool indeed.

64. Though all his life a fool associates with a wise man, he no more comprehends the Truth than a spoon tastes the flavor of the soup.


AMPING THE AMPK - BERBERINE - In short, barberries, which can be found inexpensively priced at Middle Eastern groceries in dried form, have been shown to successfully lower LDL cholesterol levels an average of fourteen points (mg/dL),175 as well as improve acne,176 artery function,177 triglycerides, blood sugars, and insulin resistance.178 One could achieve the dose of berberine used widely in China for diabetes management,179 which is presumably AMPK-enhancing, by eating as few as two teaspoons of barberries three times a day or a single tablespoon twice a day. 180 Eating the whole food is preferable, especially since an analysis of berberine supplements on the market found that 60 percent failed to match what was claimed on their labels







raft parable, the Buddha said,

"In the same way, monks, I have taught the Dhamma [dharma] compared to a raft, for the purpose of crossing over, not for the purpose of holding onto. Understanding the Dhamma as taught compared to a raft, you should let go even of Dhammas, to say nothing of non-Dhammas."


g. If coffee is indeed confirmed to induce autophagy and increase longevity, then a daily habit may ultimately prove to be an advantage



you’ll notice it has the smallest serving size, just one tablespoon or 7 g.447 So, on a volume or weight basis, wheat germ reigns supreme. It’s also the cheapest source of spermidine, as low as two cents per mg. Wheat germ is a by-product of the white flour milling industry and typically just discarded, which may account for its reasonable price.448 You know something’s a bargain when it can even beat out dried beans in nutrient per dollar.



Om Mani Padme Hum' is a traditional Buddhist mantra that is believed to have a therapeutic effect on the mind and body. The mantra is believed to evoke compassion and wisdom, and to purify negative karma and negative emotions.


Unlike turmeric, the taste of wheat germ is pretty neutral, and I’ve found I can just sprinkle it onto foods. (I mix it with ground flaxseeds,


At sufficient doses, wheat germ can also help control cholesterol, triglycerides,450 diabetic blood sugars,451 and pain, fatigue, headache, and mood swings associated with painful periods.452 (Details in It can also boost Bifidobacteria in the gut. A common constituent of commercial probiotics, Bifidobacteria are considered one of the proxies for a beneficial balance of good bugs in general453 and may even have the knock-on effect of adding extra spermidine to the system.




if one were to summarize the Buddha’s teaching in one word, we would have to say that it is universal interdependence, of which nonviolence is a natural consequence. #



60 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity 

minimizing your intake of french fries and potato chips 

trying to consume at least 20 mg of spermidine by incorporating foods such as tempeh, mushrooms, peas, and wheat germ into your diet 

drinking three cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee


 that strawberries can improve cognition,547 cholesterol, inflammation,548 and osteoarthritis,549 as well as boost beneficial gut bugs, including Christensenellaceae, 550 a newly discovered551 bacterial family found associated with longevity based on studies of centenarians and supercentenarians


We must first realize that the true cause of suffering is not outside, but inside



To help slow this aging pathway, on a daily basis, consider: 

consuming quercetin-rich foods, beverages, and seasonings, such as onions, apples, kale, tea, and salt-free capers 

eating fresh, frozen, or freeze-dried strawberries 

seasoning meals with pippali (long pepper)


Everyone Loses or Everyone Gains




in one study, a high-fat diet caused widespread DNA methylation changes in men within just five days, affecting more than 6,000 genes that were able to only partially reverse six to eight weeks after the participants returned to their usual diets.634 And, overeating saturated fat causes different methylation changes than overeating polyunsaturated fat, but to what effect


restricting calories by 12 percent, which would be cutting about 250 calories out of a 2,000-calorie diet (e.g., skipping a piece of pie or cake every day) meeting the 400 µg recommended daily allowance of folate, which could be achieved with about a cup of cooked lentils or edamame, a cup and a half of cooked spinach or asparagus, or two and a half cups of broccoli, for example




“Meditation is a deliberate training of attention that awakens us beyond the conditioned mind and habitual thinking, and reveals the nature of reality.”





I have put duality away, I have seen the two worlds are one; One I seek, One I know, One I see, One I call. He is the first, He is the last, He is the outward, he is the inward. - Rumi



Bhagavad Gita 18.66 is a significant verse that concludes the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. In this verse, Lord Krishna imparts his final instruction to Arjuna, encouraging him to surrender completely to the divine will and to relinquish all fears and doubts. Here's the English translation of the verse:

"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear."


In this verse, Lord Krishna is emphasizing the path of absolute surrender (bhakti yoga) to Him. He asks Arjuna to give up all other forms of religion or spiritual practices and to simply surrender himself to the divine will. Lord Krishna assures Arjuna that by doing so, He will free him from all the karmic reactions and sins, allowing him to attain liberation (moksha) and reach the ultimate goal of life.

The verse also indicates that one need not worry or be afraid while surrendering to the Lord. The Supreme Divine is all-compassionate and loving, and by surrendering to Him, one becomes free from all anxieties and fears. This surrender is an act of complete trust and devotion, acknowledging that the divine will knows what is best for the individual soul.

Overall, Gita 18.66 highlights the essence of Bhagavad Gita's teachings - the path of surrender to the Divine and the realization of oneness with the Supreme Self. It emphasizes the importance of faith, devotion, and complete surrender in attaining spiritual liberation and inner peace.


"At the moment of truth, there are either reasons or results."