Sunday 28 November 2021


 Challenge yourself today to focus solely on the sip (task, step, etc.) you’re actually taking.




A couple of years ago, I read a story. Here it goes!

Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained and there were puddles of water on the roadsides. At one place a beautiful young woman was standing unable to walk across because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two monks went up to her lifted her and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.

In the evening the younger monk came to the elder monk and said, “Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman.”

The elder monk answered, “yes, brother”.

Then the younger monk asks again, “but then Sir, how is that you lifted that woman on the roadside ?”

The elder monk smiled at him and told him ” I left her on the other side of the road, but you are still carrying her.”

Almost always, we hold things, memories, past events, people, and then we cringe.

‘Why me?’

If you ask me to define life in 2 words, it would be ‘LET GO’.

‘Let go’ of frustration with your life.

‘Let go’ of things which cause stress.

‘Let go’ of Anger and bitterness.

‘Let go’ of painful relationships and memories.


Because life is ‘NOW’.

“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.” ~Ajahn Chah

Story source: Two Monks and a Woman - a Zen Lesson


Obviously, it is impossible to ‘directly experience nonduality,’ because that would require an ‘experiencer’ (subject) and this object (nonduality) he/she was experiencing. Instant duality!:-)

Ya’ can’t have nonduality both ways! 🤣🤣

Nonduality is a descriptive word, and as such, just one more concept. “The Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao” - Lao Tze.

Human minds are very good at ‘conceptualizing’ in the only way they can - subject/object. So the illusory “me” can surely talk about, describe, analyze and hold forth about nonduality.

At some non-point in ‘non-time’ the illusion of a separate “me” may suddenly, stunningly and unexpectedly be burnt to a crisp (through no cause, action or ‘practices’ by that illusion,) and the ashes scattered to the wind. Or at least, that may appear to have happened. To a “someone.” It actually non-happened, to no-one. Since there was only One, never a ‘separate one’ in the first place.

With the illusion of the ‘separate human’ gone, there is just What Is, Life Itself. One. The ‘person’ will not be ‘directly experiencing nonduality,’ because there is no ‘person’ there, and never was.

Yet, if “they” appear to still be alive in a body, “others” may come up to them and ask “What happened/is happening to “you?” Most will be silent, because there is no-one left and no words to say. However, if pressed, “they” may try to describe it a bit, and thus demean the ‘actuality’ of nonduality back into concepts. Totally, hopelessly inadequate concepts.

Pressed more, “they” may try to explain further, and even lay out a ‘path,’ whereby the “others’ pressing them may also ‘directly experience nondualty.” 😂

Thus will be born Buddha & Buddhism, VedaVyasa & the Vedas, Adi Shankara & Advaita Vedanta, Patanjali & YogaSutras and all other sorts of ‘methods,’ manuals and meaningless ‘means’ to Oneness (haha, there already is only Oneness) and ‘enlightenment.’ Perpetuating and amplifying the illusion of ‘teachers’ and ‘seekers’ who desperately believe “they,’ too, can eventually ‘directly experience nonduality.’ 🤣

All ‘at play in the nondual fields of the One.’


It does happen, but I don't want it to sound too mystical.

If you are really interested try meditating at 4–4.30 AM for 48 days, and then just give up.

Now, for the next ten days, make sure you sleep in that 4–4.30 AM. You will notice that meditation or a certain tuning happens during those 30 minutes.

It is not as mystical as it sounds.

If you do Math all the time, you will get them in your dreams. If you think of your lover all the time, you will get him/her or love dreams.

If you are meditative during the day, you cannot be a different and disconnected person while sleeping.

These things are to be experimented than simply reading and discussing :)


Wednesday 24 November 2021



"The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents Dali

What is Sakshi Bhava?

Friday, 18 April 2014 – Amritapuri
Seashore Meditation and Question & Answer

Question: Amma, what is sakshi bhava [witness attitude]? Is it no emotions? No sadness, no happiness? Or is it constant bliss? Once, some time back, I was depressed, and then I didn’t really feel anything. In a way, it was like being a witness, but I don’t think that is meant by sakshi bhava. So, what is it, Amma? Is it that you don’t feel anything, don’t care about anything but, yet, still, somehow feel happy? Amma, could you please explain?


Amma: When you become sugar, then there is nothing but sweetness. Likewise, in true sakshi bhava, there is bliss alone.

It’s not that emotions don’t come, they will be there, but you see them, as if from a distance, and they don’t affect you. So, when anger begins rising up in you, you are able to see it very clearly. You witness it and this helps you to remain calm and not translate that emotion into action. Reflecting on the truth that we are not the body or the mind but are the atma [the true self]we can use our viveka [discrimination] to reject that emotion as baseless.

Witnessing like this and keeping our distance from our emotions, is for our own safety. Visiting a zoo and seeing the animals in their cages is a blissful experience. But if you open the door the cage and let the animals out their cages it will be disastrous. It is the same with the mind.

When you understand the nature of the world and its objects, you will see things and remain detached, like a witness, and accept them. For example, a crow may evacuate upon us, but we don’t get angry at the crow. You just go wash your dress and move forward.

Children, in deep sleep, we are in a state of bliss. Sakshi bhava is that same state, yet we are fully awake. In deep sleep, there is no “I,” no “mine.” It’s only when we wake up that all these things come: “my bed,” “my sandals,” “my pen,” “my clothes”… It is when we are overpowered by these “I” and “mine” thoughts that is the source of all discord. In sakshi bhava, you are able to see that this “I” and “mine” have no real substance. Thus, you always remain peaceful. When you understand that there is nothing other than you, there is no scope for disturbance. At present we are totally identified with our individual mind. We need to expand: from the individual mind, to the societal mind, to the mind of the entire universe. You may feel as if you are just a seed, but understand that there is a tree dormant in every seed. Realize that and become the tree.

In sakshi bhava, it is not that there are no thoughts or emotions. Just as there are waves in the ocean, there will be thoughts in the mind. But since you know how to swim, you are able to get in the water and blissfully move about them.


A feeling or belief about being inadequate or inferior is fertile psychological grounds for jealousy to grow.


This world is a fact.

Between the portals of birth and death we experience this world.

Any arguments about this world being illusory or a figment of our imagination are moot.

However, there are other realms, and through meditation we can experience them.

But experiencing these other realms does not make this world go away.

It teaches us how to live better in this world.

And living better in this world gives us better access to these other realms.

Because the one constant between this world and other realms is I Am.

And I Am is everything.

Including this world.


Being cooperative is a sign of high intelligence, recent research finds.


gap out and be still - GOBS

To borrow a Buddhist expression:

Pursuing experience is like drinking saltwater - it only makes us thirstier.

When we abide as awareness, we avoid all these mirages and discover the eternal fountain.

Meditation simply means emptying your mind. Just pure emptiness, and yes you will be at peace which you never were.

World and society live in the total darkness of Samsara. Playing all the roles, having all those hopes and fears. Egos took over all the control of life on this planet Earth.

The snake said, “Since you told me to be compassionate towards others, no one felt fear now and people made my condition worst.“

Monk said, “You took my teachings in the wrong way, I told to be compassionate but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't hiss in your defence. People should have fear of your hiss.”

The Buddha asked, “Did you get my point? I told you to be compassionate but it doesn't mean you should forsake the duty of a king.”

Whatever you are, wherever you are, you must know how to defend yourself because it is the matter of survival.

In the upanishads it is said, “A weak cannot merge into Brahma.”


Saturday 20 November 2021


 BLACKADDER - Liking dark humour is a sign of higher intelligence, research finds.

Surprisingly, though, people who like dark humour feel the least aggressive towards others.


I will have a break through and realize that I am not my thoughts, mind, body, etc.

My chakras open up. An current will flow into me. A self that loves me and moves through me so deeply that when I find it I break down and cry at this deep sense of self. I can’t really describe it very well.

Then a mask my identity “slips off.” Then I feel “happy” or content and blissful with everything. I move into a space where I lose any concern about anything.

I forget myself again. Then after a day or so I lose the bliss and my ego comes crashing back with a vengeance.

I try, but I can’t seem to fully dissolve my identity. I know I am the problem. I’m just so thick headed that I can’t seem to “get it.


PNSN 24KPA= TK HM MO 1800? 


When you reach State Pension age, you stop paying National Insurance contributions.


The Self is the one living reality permeating the entire cosmos and yet the master behind the movement of all matter and substance in time and space. The Self is a blazing point of light within the mind of God and a point of love within the heart of Deity . The Self dwells within us all as the embodiment of divinity , the one living undying fire passing through the ages and the forms nature has provided.

It is very important that we all take the time and acquaint ourselves with this divine consciousness we call the Self and learn to identify it as the God principle. Humanity today has lost its way and is wandering in the wilderness of materiality and broken dreams , has strayed far off the path which the universe has provided . It is high time that we all know of the warmth and cheer that the Self can give to us . Take time each day and get to know yourself as the Divine genius you are . Magnify this divine presence within yourself and be inspired each and every day.


Has anyone in the history of Enlightenment ever offered a direct explanation as to why exactly we are not our individual physical bodies ? Why do Enlightened beings give such ambiguous answers to this pertinent question?

Firstly there are no enlightened beings.

There are ordinary beings being..

Being ordinary there is no desire to justify an explanation as to why we are not our physical bodies. Having said that.

We are our physical bodies and we are not our physical bodies.

Now this answer is absolutely useless to the intellect and as ambiguous as you can get.

So get out of your head and listen from the heart.. from being…

The words themselves don't matter, it's conciousness communicating itself to itself through itself. The truth is between the words in the stillness.. This is what you are. This still unmoving being.. Is you.. It's not thoughts.

see how stillness permeates itself.. As thisness, then the mind kicks in to try and understand what it thinks is an explanation. I'm not interested in your mind.

Yet I love you the being because you are this life.. I appear as. I being SELF.



Thursday 18 November 2021




Most lucky events in life are opportunities, not outcomes.


"Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy, and some are exciting, but if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you."

-- Izuudon


Let us be the paragon of animals again, defending all the others and the world we must all share.


Meet him,

He's a scholar, a king, a brahman and knowledge holder of vedas. World recognize him by name of RAVAN.

  • He penanced for centuries to please Shiva.
  • Built an entire Golden kingdom.
  • Offered his head 10 times.
  • Crushed his finger while lifting Kailash.
  • From his creativity came ‘Shiv Tandav Stotram'.

thereafter, he finally got a chance to serve Shiva in his own Kingdom. The only opportunity he got after going through all deadly practices.

Now, meet him. . .

The child who has firmly clasped Shivling around his arms wasn't even of 16 and was subjugated to premature death. World recognize him by name of RISHI MARKANDEY.

Neither he had a large kingdom for Shiva nor did cut his head or crushed his fingers under a massive mountain.

Yet, he pleased Shiva with a mere ‘belpata’ and water.

How did it happen?

Because power of bhakti lies in pure devotion, in the innocence of a soul, in righteousness of heart and in a truthful mind.

The corrupt a person is the rare are the chance he'll please Mahadev, the wiser a person is the soon he'll get Mahadev.



A  Like nowhere else in India, only in #Arunachalam, Shiva would have worn full jewelry, worn silk clothes, crowned.


So much of confusion in this, and we see many lose track here.

Why to give effort for realising that which is not the result of any effort ?

This needs some authoritative saying to put this confusion to rest, and bring clarity for good.

So, I reproduce here the words of the Greatest Being, who is personified enlightenment, Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, when asked about another Great being Shri J Krishnamurthy’s insights.

A young man from Colombo asked Bhagavan, “J. Krishnamurti teaches the method of effortless and choiceless awareness as distinct from that of deliberate concentration. Would Sri Bhagavan be pleased to explain how best to practise meditation and what form the object of meditation should take?”

Bhagavan: Effortless and choiceless awareness is our real nature. If we can attain it, or be in that state, it is all right. But one cannot reach it without effort, the effort of deliberate meditation. All the age-long vasanas carry the mind outward and turn it to external objects. All such thoughts have to be given up and the mind turned inward. For that, effort is necessary for most people.

Of course, everybody, every book says, “Be quiet or still”. But it is not easy. That is why all this effort is necessary. Even if we find one who has at once achieved the mauna or Supreme state indicated by “Be quiet or still.”, you may take it that the effort necessary has already been finished in a previous life. So that, effortless and choiceless awareness is reached only after deliberate meditation. That meditation can take any form which appeals to you best. See what helps you to keep away all other thoughts and adopt that method for your meditation.

In this connection Bhagavan quoted verses 5 and 52 from Udal Poyyuravu and 36 from Paayapuli of Saint Thayumanavar. Their gist is as follows. “Bliss will follow if you are still. But however much you may tell your mind about this truth, the mind will not keep quiet. It is the mind that won’t keep quiet. It is the mind which tells the mind, ‘Be quiet and you will attain bliss’. Though all the scriptures have said it, though we hear about it every day from the Great Ones, and though even our Guru says it, we never are quiet, but stray into the world of maya and sense objects. That is why conscious, deliberate effort or meditation is required to attain that mauna state, or the state of being quiet.”

Ramana Maharishi

Dat By Day with Bhagwan, 11-1-46 Afternoon








'A গতরাত্রে গিরিশবাবু দেহত্যাগ করিয়াছেন, সেই প্রসঙ্গে জিজ্ঞাসা করিলাম,. ----- “মা, যারা মৃত্যুর পূর্বে অজ্ঞান হয়ে দেহত্যাগ করে, তাদের কি করে সদ্‌গতি হয় ?
মা—অজ্ঞান হবার পূর্বে যে চিন্তাটি ছিল, যে চিন্তাটি নিয়ে অজ্ঞান হয়েছে, সেই চিন্তাটি অনুসারে গতি হয়।
আমি—হাঁ, গিরিশবাবুও সন্ধ্যা ছটার একটু পরে যে ‘জয় রামকৃষ্ণ, চল' বলে শুলেন, তারপর আর তেমন চৈতন্য হয় নাই।
মা—যে চিন্তাটি নিয়ে অজ্ঞান হলো, যেন ঐ চিন্তাটিতে ডুবে রইল। সব তাঁর কাছ থেকে এসেছে, তার কাছে চলে যাবে। কেউ তার বাহু হতে, কেউ পা হতে, কেউ তোম হতে হয়েছে—সব তার অঙ্গ, অংশ। গৌর-মা উপস্থিত ছিলেন। তিনি কথাপ্রসঙ্গে বলিলেন, “ঠাকুর আর দুবার আসবেন বলেছেন । একবার বাউল সেজে ।”
মা------ হাঁ, ঠাকুর বলেছিলেন, 'তোমার হুঁকোকলকে হাতে থাকবে ।" ভাঙা একটু পাথরের বাসন ঠাকুরের হাতে থাকবে, হয়তো ভাঙা কড়ায় রান্না হবে। যাচ্ছেন তো যাচ্ছেন—কোন ভ্রুক্ষেপ নেই।
“লক্ষ্মী বলেছিল, আমাকে তামাককাটা করলেও আর আসছি না। তিনি হেসে বললেন, 'আমি যদি আসি তো থাকবে কোথা ? প্রাণ টিকবে না । কলমীর দল এক
জায়গায় বসে টানলেই সব আসবে ।
---------স্বামী অরূপানন্দজী -------
🌼🌼হে জগৎজননী লহ প্রণাম 🌼🌼





Ram Ram Ji 💞

You can’t think about manmohan all the time… you have to perform your duties too…..

You shall perform your duties for krishna…. it’s service
You shall preach the knowledge... it’s service
You shall love him… it’s service 💖

we took birth to complete our duties and get back to Vaikuth /Kailash

so les do


Attune yourself to the active inner Guidance; the Divine Voice has the answer to every dilemma of life. Though man’s ingenuity for getting himself into trouble appears to be endless, the Infinite Succor is no less resourceful."

--- Parampujjya Yogiraj Sri Lahiri Mahasaya


সাধুসঙ্গ করতে করতে তাঁর নামে রুচি হয়, আর তাঁর নাম করতে করতে তাঁর উপর নির্ভরতা আসে। এটি হলে আর ভয় নেই।
তখন শুধু তাঁর নামটি নিয়ে শরণাগত হয়ে পড়ে থাকতে পারলেই হলো। বেড়াল-ছানা হয়তো চোখও ফোটেনি, "মিউ মিউ" করে শুধু মাকে ডাকে, মা যা করে।
মা কখনো হেঁসেলে, কখনো আস্তাকুঁড়ে, কখনো বা বাবুর বিছানায় রাখছে--- মায়ের উপর সম্পূর্ণ নির্ভর।
মাধুকরীই বল, আর যা কিছু বল-- এই নির্ভরতাটুকু আনার জন্যই তো!
তাঁকে আন্তরিকভাবে প্রার্থনা করতে হয়-- তাঁর কৃপাতে মন স্থির আপনিই হবে।
নামজপের স্বাদ একবার যদি কেউ পায়, আর কিছু ভালো লাগে না। বাধা পড়লে বিরক্ত হয়।
তিনি আর তাঁর নাম তো আলাদা নয়-- এক। এই নামের চাকায় সংসারের সব বন্ধন, জন্মান্তরের খারাপ সংস্কার, পাপ-তাপ সব কেটে যায়-- দেহমন পবিত্র হয়। তাঁর নামেতে মৃত্যুভয় থাকে না।
------------ শ্রীম সমী




NS \Now we know that the cosmos contains at least a million billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars, most of which have planets around them. In one of these zillions of planets, as probably in many others, chemistry became complex and evolved in all sorts of critters, one of which, not particularly good in surviving, is humankind,” says physicist Carlo Rovelli at Aix-Marseille University in France. “It is clear that any ambition of this humankind to be particularly significant in the grand scheme of things looks silly.


The harsh answer is “it has none”. Your life may feel like a big deal to you, but it’s actually a random blip of matter and energy in an uncaring and impersonal universe. When it ends, a few people will remember you for a while, but they will die too. Even if you make the history books, your contribution will soon be forgotten. Humans will go extinct; Earth and the sun will be destroyed. Eventually the universe itself will end. Against this appalling reality, how can a human life have any real meaning?


This is one reason why belief in a god (or gods) is so popular: it softens the brutality of existence by imbuing the universe with meaning. Some theologians have even claimed that the pointlessness of life without God is evidence for God’s existence. In fact, there is no objective evidence for this (see “Metaphysics special: Can we ever know if God exists?“). So let us put that comfort blanket aside and ask: in an indifferent and ephemeral universe, does human existence have any meaning at all?


In some interpretations of quantum mechanics, the universe only comes into being when we observe it, and the act of observing it actually determines what happens next by forcing reality into one of many possible outcomes. A wilder interpretation – called the many worlds hypothesis – claims that every time you make a decision, the universe replicates itself. You enter one universe and an alternative you enters the other. If true, your universe is created by the choices you make. How’s that for meaningful?
