Sunday 14 November 2021



Choicelessness is freedom!

by  | Nov 14, 2021 | ChoiceChoicelessnessConsciousnessFlow with LifeGeneral SpiritualJust BeRaaga/DveshaSeekingSeekingViveka


Is applying viveka, a kind of seeking? Because choosing/deciding right from wrong is so relative to this mind?



Actually, Viveka is deeper than just plain discrimination between right and wrong. Viveka is the ability to maintain an absolutely clean and pure consciousness within.

Rumi said, “Beyond the realm of right and wrong, there is a field, I will meet you there!

When you do something which could leave you feeling unclean inside [for e.g. hatred, jealousy, anger, sadness, obsession, feverishness, want, not want etc], your Viveka pinches you from within to warn you to change your direction. This is the power of Viveka.

Viveka does not just distinguish the external right from wrong, it propels one towards the total purity of your inside environment.

So in reality, there is only one reasonable choice i.e. going with the flow. There is no other choice to make. Because ‘going with the flow’ means dropping your Raaga and Dvesha & just being! ‘Going with the flow’ helps keep your consciousness clean and sparkly!

If you understand this clearly, then you will understand that there is no relativity here at all. It is the same for everyone at all times 🙂

In reality, there is no choice to make at all – Choicelessness is freedom! Got it?


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