Saturday 6 November 2021



Kriya yoga, practised deeply, will dissolve breath into mind, mind into intuition, intuition into the joyous perception of soul and soul into the cosmic bliss of Spirit.
Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda,
God Talks with Arjuna : The Bhagavad Gita, Pg 578


Non-duality (Advaita) cannot be spoken about or ‘asserted’ by anyone - even Adi Shankara or Ramana Maharshi. The moment a ‘non-dualist’ asserts anything about ‘one consciousness,’ illusion, reality or awareness, they are right back in duality. The only, only, ONLY way to ‘experience’ non-duality is directly, in full dissolution of the ‘experiencer,’ with no words, philosophies or “isms.” Non-duality is only Now. Isms and philosophies are only in past & future (both which don’t exist.)

If you are still able to take your wisdom & experience of non-duality and turn it into a philosophy or ism, and still be concerned about possibly slipping into one of those isms, like solipsism, you have not experienced non-duality…not yet.


I agree with sri.Teja Anand -equally ,I dis agree with Sri.Teja Anand —I agree Advaitham is Not a Theory -it is an Anubhavam (Experience) and One who gets that Experience is an Anubhoothi—Sri.Teja Anand is Absolutely correct =>There is No Past /There is No future in Advaitha Aanandha Anubhavam -It is just Present and very much momentary —Probably it might be a little easier to “Lose” One’s SELF and enjoy the Brahma Sparsam momentarily and might be very,very difficult -or-Never “To Trace back that “Lost Self” -Abhimanyu knew as to how to enter the Viyugam ,but never knew as to how to Successfully come back —I feel =-probably Sankara / Ramana and a few others knew as to how “to Lose” and How “to trace back”the lost “Self” also (Scary) -after momentarily “Enjoying the Bliss (Advaitha Aanandha Anubhavam” ) also—YES-when I lose in Thuria Avastha , I am in Advaitha and when I “Come back” in JaaGratha Avastha -I am in “Dvaitha” mode only


From the perspective of Ultimate Reality, Non-Duality is not an experience because non-dual means partless, without any division of subject and object or experiencer and experienced, . From the perspective of Empirical Reality, every experience is Brahman because Brahman is all that exists. There is nothing apart from Brahman.

Non-Duality is intuitive knowledge that you are Self


It’s easy for our ‘minds’ to get confused about Awareness, Enlightenment, No-Self, Emptiness, Nothing/Formlessness appearing to somehow ‘give rise’ to Form/Everything, etc.

Because ‘mind,’ or illusory “I,” cannot be any of these, only conceptualize them as separate subject-object.

As such, “you” will never be “aware,” “enlightened,” or ‘one’ with Oneness/Nothing/Everything.

That said, the illusion of a self-enclosed, separate-from-the-Whole entity called “I’ or “you,” can spontaneously evaporate, leaving nothing but What Is.

Pure Awareness - not aware of something
Pure Is-ness - 
not some form that has apparently arisen in Is-ness, or emptiness that is still ‘unmanifest,’ Nothing.
Pure Energy/Light - 
not ‘enlightenment.’

Nothing can cause that spontaneous collapse of illusion - no study, practices, guru/deity worship, or any other ‘personal’ efforts…because that could only perpetuate the illusion of a separate ‘person.’

However, certain ‘realizations’ and ‘koans’ can foment a temporary cessation of mental activity and ‘figure-out,’ that, in turn, creates a wide-open space you can ‘fall into,’ in which your true seeing & resonance can spontaneously ‘wake up.’:-)

Here’s a few of those beyond-mind clarities that “you” may find foster this sudden, stunning ‘awareness,’ happening to ‘no one:’


Student: Why did this chaotic manifestation ever arise?
Many gurus/teachers: Well, it’s just the play of Brahman, the Divine Lila, The One delighting in splitting Itself into Two so it can go looking for Itself.
Student: Why did this chaotic manifestation ever arise?
Ramana Maharshi: 
See if it arose. See if anything arose.


Sleep is not the absence of Awareness, it is the Awareness of absence.


The Master Mumon Roshi took LSD, upon request to compare the experience under psychedelics to that of ‘enlightenment’ and ‘awareness.’ Upon the completion of his LSD journey, he remarked "This is ‘form is emptiness’ - which can be relatively easy to understand. But this is not ‘emptiness is form,’ which takes a lifetime to realize.”


“Witnessing, you discover your self as the watcher. Standing motionless as Pure Awareness, only watching dispassionately, you discover you are actually one step back from the watcher/witness. You are the light (enlightenment) behind the watcher.
Going deeper, eventually you see your True Self is 
even a step behind the light. The source of light is dark, the source of knowledge is the unknown, and the source of all ‘somethings’ is Nothing.
You are the Emptiness in which all light/dark resides and from which all apparent manifestation emanates. That source alone Is. Fall back into that source and abide there, as You already do. - Sri Nisargadatta


Awareness is once removed. It’s still subtly dual. Liberation is totally beyond the watcher, witness, awareness. Awareness is still an experience. And the difficulty with Advaita and other forms of self inquiry is that people get into this ‘awareness’ but they can’t stay in it, obviously, because it’s still in a space-time story. It’s still in a dream of a separate “you.” “You” try to stay in it, and you can’t.

The main thrust of all teachings & explanations about ‘awareness’ and ‘enlightenment,’ is based on the presumption that there is such a thing as a separate individual who is capable of making choices and generating effort in order to attain something called ‘enlightenment.’

There’s only one constant - Being. It never leaves. It doesn’t come and it doesn’t go away And we rush around looking for it. You can’t do Being. You can’t achieve Being. Being is all there is and it lives through “you.”

When the apparent separate identity falls away, the radiant wonder of Being - not Awareness or Enlightenment - becomes apparent - to no one. It also becomes clear that there was no one who ever needed to be liberated or ‘enlightened.’ - Tony Parsons





It does not matter, if life departs from the physical body. I must practice Kriya with with all my heart.
- Sri Lahiri Mahasaya




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