Saturday 24 February 2024



Man’s mind has always been trying to do two impossible things. One is: to reform the past – which cannot be done. The past has happened. You cannot really go into the past. When you think of going into the past, at the most you go into the memory of it; it is not the real past, it is just the memory. The past is no more there, so you cannot reform it. This is one of the impossible goals of humanity; man has suffered very much because of it. You want to undo the past – how can you undo it? The past is absolute. The past means: all potentiality of it is finished; it has become actual. Now there is no longer any potentiality to reform it, to undo it, to redo it. You cannot do any thing with the past.

And the second impossible idea that has always dominated the human mind is: to establish the future – which again cannot be done. Future means that which is not yet; you cannot establish it. Future remains unestablished. Future remains open. Future is pure potentiality! Unless it happens, you cannot be certain about it.

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