Saturday 23 August 2008

CDS 231208-SMH LCM A/L-

////////////////////This old world we're livin' in
Is mighty hard to beat
We get a thorn with every rose
But ain't the roses sweet

//////////////////////FCK IT=

So, in contrast to much of we monk on about in the therapeutic/spiritual process, sometimes it’s best to not examine too much how you’ll feeling; not think too much about what’s coming; not plan your way out of difficult situations; not dwell on what you’ve been through… sometimes it’s best just to keep going, keep swimming. You don’t have to be happy (because, in tough times you’re probably not), you don’t have to be ‘achieving’ anything, self-developing, reaching a higher level or anything, you just have to keep swimming.

Why does this work (in a therapeutic/spiritual context)? Well, you take the sting out of your attachment to all the things that are going on in your life. If you stop worrying about where you’re going, and just concentrate on the fact that you’re simply ‘going’, you’ll feel instantly better. You take the pressure off. You stop trying to control things, and you simply go with the flow. Life, whatever it’s throwing at you is ‘the flow’ and you can be happy to just to ‘go’.


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