Wednesday 29 October 2008



///////////////BDY PRISN


/////////////////T. Rex Was a True Killer

By Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

posted: 28 October 2008 08:29 pm ET
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T. rex could throw around more than its vicious teeth and incredible size in the battle of survival. Its super-sized olfactory bulbs mean the carnivore could sniff out prey night or day. Credit: Courtesy of Royal Tyrrell Museum.
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T. rex could throw around more than its vicious teeth and incredible size in the battle of survival. Its super-sized olfactory bulbs mean the carnivore could sniff out prey night or day. Credit: Courtesy of Royal Tyrrell Museum.
This CT scan of the skull of an ornithomimid dinosaur shows the olfactory bulbs (red) and the forebrain (blue). Credit: Courtesy of Yoshitsugu Kobayashi.

Tyrannosaurus rex relied on its elite nose to sniff out victims and take down live prey at night, a new study shows.

Some scientists previously had considered T. rex a scavenger of carrion, rather than a hunter, due to various features including its sense of smell. The new study, which analyzed data for a range of meat-eating dinosaurs as well as living carnivores (alligators), suggests T. rex likely was a true hunter and took down live prey such as other dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor both had a very keen sense of smell according to a study published today. These frightening predators are believed to have used this keen sense of smell to hunt out prey, navigate and carry out activities in low-light conditions.




//////////////////ncreasing Number Of People Vaccinated Against Influenza Can Decrease Burden Of Disease (October 29, 2008) -- Two new studies published in the journal PLoS Medicine show that increasing the number of people vaccinated against influenza can decrease the burden of the disease, and not just in the individuals receiving the vaccine. ... > full story

//////////////////Statin Use Associated with Drops in PSA Levels

Prostate-specific antigen levels appear to drop after men begin using statins, according to an observational study published online by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

The study included some 1200 men with healthy prostates who had their PSA levels measured within 2 years before filling prescriptions for a statin and again within 1 year afterward. Overall, the median PSA concentration fell by roughly 4% after statin initiation.

Despite the drop, editorialists point out that these findings do not clarify whether statins may be "preventive, therapeutic, or simply affect PSA level itself." They conclude that "only a randomized trial with histological endpoints can determine whether statins affect a man's risk of prostate cancer."

////////////////////Always in life an idea starts small, it is only a sapling idea, but the vines will come and they will try to choke your idea so it cannot grow and it will die and you will never know you had a big idea, an idea so big it could have grown thirty meters through the dark canopy of leaves and touched the face of the sky. -- Bryce Courtenay

////////////////////Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
— Dr. Seuss

////////////////Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

////////////////////I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
— Douglas Adams


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