Monday 17 November 2008


For what cannot be cured, patience is best.
-- Irish Proverb

Patience and passage of time do more than strength and fury.
-- Jean de la Fontaine


"It's not what happens to you in life that counts; it's how you take it, and what you make of it." -- Denis Waitley

/////////////////////BURDEN OF CHR DIS-CF-A/W ORGAN TX

//////////////////////Unhappy People Watch TV, Happy People Read/Socialize
A new study by sociologists at the University of Maryland concludes that unhappy people watch more TV, while people who describe themselves as very happy spend more time reading and socializing. Additionally, data from time use surveys, suggests that TV viewing may increase as the economy worsens and people lose their jobs.
Social Indicators Research, Dec-2008


"A problem well stated is a problem half-solved."

////////////////////////Craving chocolate? A walk may help
Researchers say that taking a brisk 15-minute walk may help you turn down chocolate and other tempting sweets. Read more>

//////////////////////WRLD RECESSION-MR JBCTS

//////////////////GOODBYE AND F*** U


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