Friday 24 July 2009


/////////Humans Glow in Visible Light
Live Science July 22, 2009
The human body, especially the
face, emits "ultraweak photons" --
visible light that varies during the
day and is 1,000 times less intense
than the levels to which our naked
eyes are sensitive, Tohoku Institute
of Technology researchers have
found. This light is linked with
generation of free radicals in

Giant 'soap bubble' found floating
in space
New Scientist Space July 23, 2009
The "Cygnus Bubble," a planetary
nebula -- formed when an aging star
weighing up to eight times the mass
of the sun ejects its outer layers
as clouds of luminous gas, has been
discovered by Mount Wilson
Observatory astronomers. (Travis A.
Rector/U of Alaska Anchorage/Heidi...

///////////////////Spending Money -

lay out - to spend money. especially a large amount

splash out - to spend a lot of money on something you don't need, but is very pleasant

run up - to create a large debt

fork out, fork over - to pay for something, usually something you would rather not have to pay for.

shell out - to pay for something, usually something you would rather not have to pay for.

cough up - to provide money for something you do not want to

///////////////Dawkins remains a superb translator of complex scientific concepts. It doesn't matter if he's spinning metaphors for the fossil record ("like a spy camera" in a murder trial) or deftly explaining the method by which scientists measure the genetic difference between distinct species: he has a way of making the drollest details feel like a revelation. Even if one already believes in the survival of the fittest, there is something thrilling about learning that the hoof of a horse is homologous to the fingernail of the human middle finger, or that some dinosaurs had a "second brain" of ganglion cells in their pelvis, which helped compensate for the tiny brain in their head. As Darwin famously noted, "There is grandeur in this view of life." What Dawkins demonstrates is that this view of life isn't just grand: it's also undeniably true.

////////////////“Big Questions” means “unanswerable questions,” given the complete lack of meaningful answers (in the sense of being able to show that any particular answer is correct). So science is accused of being unable to answer unanswerable questions?


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