Saturday 12 September 2009


//////////////////////////////////DIETWALK SATYAGRAHA FOR WAD OBESITY CRSS

/////////////////////////////////All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it!"

-- Bob Newhart

////////////////////////////////That is, however, an introduction Hiroko would disdain for reducing her to a mere “hibakusha”—bomb survivor—“the most hated word in her vocabulary. And the most powerful.”

/////////////////////////////////ajab gayer ajab kotha-TAPAN SINHA

/////////////////////////////////AKAL TO MAHAKAAL

///////////////////////////////////////DUKKHAHARAN NA DUKKHABARAN

////////////////////////////////////////POST PRNTS-ANY ATTRACTN TO KOL?

//////////////////////////////////////////A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval."
– Mark Twain

//////////////////////////////////BANKURA ACCENT LIKE SCOTTISH ACCNT

//////////////////////////////////hapter II: Sankhya Yoga

(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)
II.47. Thy right is to work only, but never with its fruits; let
not the fruits of action be thy motive, nor let thy attachment be
to inaction.
COMMENTARY: When you perform actions have no desire for the fruits
thereof under any circumstances. If you thirst for the fruits of
your actions, you will have to take birth again and again to enjoy
them. Action done with expectation of fruits(rewards) brings
bondage. If you do not thirst for them, you get purification of
heart and you will get knowledge of the Self through purity of
heart through the knowledge of the Self you will be freed from the
round of births and deaths.
Neither let thy attachement be towards inaction thinking "what
is the use of doing actions when I cannot get any reward for them?"
In a broad sense Karma means action. It also means duty which
one has to perform according to his caste or station of life.
According to the followers of the Karma Kanda of the Vedas (the
Mimamsakas) Karma means the rituals and sacrifices prescribed in
the Vedas. It has a deep meaning also. It signifies the destiny
or the storehouse of tendencies of a man which give rise to his
future birth.


///////////////////////////n 1796, life expectancy hovered around 24 years. A hundred years later it doubled to 48. In our modern world of air conditioners, hand washing and booster shots, you have a good chance of living 63 years, which is the world average. However, for those fortunate enough to live in a first-world country, lifespan jumps considerably."

/////////////////////////////First, unless you buy a thousand acres of land and have your own city built to order, cities get their shapes via (political and economic) selection forces over many decades. Like brains, cities evolve: ones that are not well organized wilt (people move away over time) or modify themselves to become more efficient.

Second, cities interconnect themselves with highways, and are under selection pressure to connect themselves efficiently. Highways break out of the two dimensional street grid, and “pull” the city’s edges closer to one another. Brains, too, have highways: white matter axons. The pyramidal neurons in the cortex send their axons out of the gray matter to faraway parts of the cortex.

////////////////////////////OXYTOCIN AND BONDING

////////////////////////////////NEUROBIOLOGY OF PLEASURE-SEROTONIN?

///////////////////////////////Chapter II: Sankhya Yoga

(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)
II.51. The wise, possessed of knowledge, having abandoned the
fruits of their actions, and being freed from the fetters of
birth, go the the place which is beyond all evil.
COMMENTARY: Clinging to the fruits of actions is the cause of
rebirth. Man takes a body to enjoy them. If anyone performs
actions for the sake of God in fulfilment of His purpose without
desire for the fruits, he is released from the bonds of birth and
attains to the blissful state or the immortal abode.
Sages who possess evenness of mind abandon the fruits of
their actions and thus escape from good and bad actions.
'Buddhi' referred to in the three verses 49,50 and 51 may be the
wisdom of the Sankhyas, i.e. the knowledge of the Self or Atma-
Jnana which dawns when the mind is purified by Karma Yoga.

////////////////////////////////HYPNOTIC BACKLASH

////////////////////////////////Chapter II: Sankhya Yoga

(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)
II.26. But even if thou thinkest of It as being constantly born
and constantly dying, enven then, O mighty-armed, thou shouldst
not grieve.
COMMENTARY: Lord Krishna here, for the sake of argument, takes up
the popular supposition. Granting that the Self is again and
again born whenever a body comes into being, and again and again
dies whenever the body dies, O mighty-armed (O Arjuna of great
valour and strength), thou shouldst not grieve thus, because birth
is inevitable to what is dead and death is inevitable to what is
born. This is the inexorable or unrelenting Law of Nature.



/////////////////////////////////JA BAKI ROILO-SOUMITRA CHATTERJEE


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