Monday 10 September 2012


/////////////////////////EITHER IT ROCKS OR IT  TUCKS

////////////////////////////TKU4 A GR8 OLYMPCS

////////////////////////////////AUSTIAN CHAPMAN, BORN DEAF=When Mozart’s Lacrimosa came on, I was blown away by the beauty of it. At one point of the song, it sounded like angels singing and I suddenly realized that this was the first time I was able to appreciate music. Tears rolled down my face and I tried to hide it. But when I looked over I saw that there wasn’t a dry eye in the car.”

////////////////////////////////////////Buddhist meditation is the practice of learning to get to know suffering intimately, to see how we create and attach to a selfing process, to see that everything is impermanent.

///////////////////////////,,,,,,,The pleasurable responses we receive from our neurons when we engage in activities like eating good food and having sex evolved in a world of hunter-gatherer scarcity, not fast food restaurants and online qornography sites. "After all, the Internet, like chemicals, allows us to trigger our neuronal reward mechanisms with much less work, and much more frequently, than was possible in the environment of our evolution."


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