Sunday 3 February 2013



////////////////////MENTAL CHATTER WHILE MEDITATING= there are actually several kinds of thinking that you might identify:
  • “Junk” thinking (worrying, arguing, craving, etc.).
  • “Preplanned” or “programmatic thinking (the numbers, the metta phrases).
  • “Creative” thinking that’s unrelated to the meditation practice.
  • “Creative” thinking that is related to the meditation practice.

/////////////////////Where do our ideas come from? According to René Descartes at least some of them are innate, acquired indpendently of experience

//////////////////The last thing Laken Stewart remembers is the oncoming car, then bursting through the windshield



///////////////////VIVEKANANADA B DAY 150 YRS

////////////////// "Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of our language" — Ludwig Wittgenstein

////////////////////////////What has become most clear is that, despite the emphasis Western medicine places on material and chemical changes, medicine is a ritualistic event. Beyond the science of pharmaceuticals is the science of care, a role which encompasses how pills affect our physiology. Critics argue that were placebos to be encouraged in the practice of medicine, patients could delay other treatments with longer-lasting benefits.

/////////////////////////////By 2019, computers will have an emotional intelligence comparable to humans, making them indistinguishable from us on essential levels of being. By By the 2030s, humans will have millions of nano-sized robots coursing through our bodies, which will effectively eliminate disease. By 2045, computers will be one billion times more powerful than the human brain. And by the 2050s, it will be possible to create an entire human body out of nano-machines, completely blurring the line between man and machine. Such are the bold predictions made by futurist, and soon-to-be lead engineer at Google, Ray Kurzweil. 

/////////////////////////////ITS NEVER FOREVER= INF

//////////////////////////BT=According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The Myth of Happiness, our reductive understanding of happiness is culturally reinforced, but in reality amounts to a false promise. "I'll be happy when ____ (fill in the blank)" and its close cousin "I can't be happy when ____ (fill in the blank) are the two most pervasive myths about happiness. 

/////////////////////////////BT="Being a submissive or dutiful patient doesn’t always pay off," says Susan Gubar, professor emerita of English at Indiana University. "Sometimes it's good to be bad."

///////////////////////////////-Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that explains stuff left out by normal physics, like why matter can behave like both particles and waves.

//////////////////////////Quantum mechanics suggests that everything in nature is probabilistic

/////////////////////////Quantum mechanics says that the act of observing a system actually has an effect on it.

///////////////////////////Thanks to quantum mechanics, we have super-precise clocks, lasers, semiconductors, and may one day have quantum computers, which would be the ultimate in multitasking.

///////////////////////////////////The world we know has a fuzzy border at the limit of our best perception -- there’s more probability than order and certainty is a misconception.

//////////////////////////////////////Fill half your plate at any given meal with vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, which are naturally nutrient dense. Skip add-ons like batters, breading, and butter, and choose sauces and dressings wisely, like vinaigrettes made with healthy olive oil instead of full-fat dressings. Opt for a baked potato instead of French fries, grilled chicken instead of fried, brown rice instead of white rice, and low-fat milk instead of whole milk or soda.

////////////////////////////////New Food Rule 2: Eat Fewer Solid Fats and Added Sugars

//////////////////////////////////New Food Rule 3: Eat More Seafood

/////////////////////////////////Stress Eating: Finding Food Alternatives
Managing your stress in healthier ways can also help keep you from responding to it by eating. Try these ideas:
  • Exercise. Regular exercise can help prevent stress, and exercising when you are stressed can help manage the emotion and burn calories, not pack them in. Instead of running to the kitchen, lace up your shoes and head for a run, or walk, outside.
  • Give yourself a break. Whatever you're doing that's causing you stress, just step away from it for a while. If you're thinking about a situation that's creating anxiety, distract yourself with a more pleasant topic.
  • Think positive. Come up with a plan to resolve the situation that's bothering you. Nothing beats stress more than solving the problem that's causing it.
  • Relax. Meditate, visualize a peaceful place, or listen to some music to calm yourself down.
  • Do something fun. Take an impromptu shopping trip, play a game of golf or tennis, call a friend, or watch a movie that you enjoy.

//////////////////////////////OESO COIN IN VK= asymptomatic children, with no history of tracheal or oesophageal disease and a confirmed oesophageal coin on x-ray should undergo a period of observation up to 18 h. This can be safely undertaken at home, followed by a repeat x-ray in the emergency department.

///////////////////////////////////////////SMARTPHONE VS DUMBPHONE


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