Tuesday 28 May 2013


//////////////////TI THE GR8 HNDYMN-GBU

//////////////DHRMNDRA B 1935


//////////////////Olympic athletes and teams that wear the color red tend to win more. 

//////////////////If you want more control over your life, first let go of what you can't control.

///////////////Expert male chess players are more likely to take riskier decisions when facing an attractive female opponent

////////////EVOLN NS TALKING

/////////////Flipping a light switch on before a problem-solving task can improve insight

//////////////People who were shown objects related to business, such as a briefcase, were shown to become more competitive.

////////////People named Kim, Kelly, and Ken were more likely to donate to Hurricane Katrina victims than to Hurricane Rita victims

////////////       In otherwise healthy preterm infants, palivizumab treatment resulted in a significant reduction in wheezing days during the first year of life, even after the end of treatment. These findings implicate RSV infection as an important mechanism of recurrent wheeze during the first year of life in such infants.

////////////////////p-value is the chance that the relationship you are observing is observed by pure chance.  So if you obtain a p-value of 0.01, it means that there is a 1% chance that the relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable that your model established doesn't actually exist.


Why .05?

The decision to use .05 as the threshold in testing the null hypothesis is completely arbitrary. The researchers credited with establishing this threshold warned against strictly adhering to it.


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