Friday 7 February 2014


//////////////////////////science as something that is discrete and comprehensible and yet infinitely expansive so that it can assimilate, blob like, all the other ways people use their minds.

///////////////lanso over omeprzl 

//////////////Addiction theory long ago embraced the idea that behaviors such as exercise, eating, or gambling may have similar effects on the brain as dependence-forming drugs such as heroin or cocaine

////////////////////////“Where there’s a cause, there’s a cure.

//////////////////////in the 1990s, the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene became mis- and oversold as “the warrior gene.” What’s wrong with a little harmless sensationalism

////////////////////////////3qd=Genetic determinism, then, is not monocausal. It has many sources, including sensationalism, ambition, poor practice, and the eternal wish for simple solutions to complex problems

////////////////////////INTL POVERTY LINE 1.25 USD /HEAD /DAY AT 2005 PRICES

///////////////////////////NO MORE PASSIVE PTS

//////////////////////////There are 3 common conditions that can cause Tooth Tenderness to Percussion.
  1. Dental Caries 
  2. Dental Plaque 
  3. Gingivitis 
There are 3 somewhat common conditions that can cause Tooth Tenderness to Percussion.
  1. Bruxism 
  2. Dental Abscess 
  3. Dental Fracture 

///////////////////////It was climate that killed many of the large mammals after the latest Ice AgE


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