Wednesday 27 April 2016


"Today is (Date) . I am ________________ and it is my pleasure to be interviewing ______________ my ______________ in her/his living room in (City) (State).
"Please tell me your full name, date of birth and place of birth."
"Who were you named after?"


Names/Dates of Births/Dates of Deaths
Where they lived
Business they were in
Memories about them
How did they impact your life (favorite story)
Maiden name/Date and Place of Birth/Death
Where did she grow up?
What kind of person was she?
What kind of work did she do?
What is your favorite memory of her?
Date and Place of Birth/Death
Where did he grow up
What kind of person was he?
What kind of work did he do?
Your favorite memory of him
How did your parents meet? Date of marriage
Names/Dates of Births and Death
A favorite story about each


What were you like as a child?
Where did you live? (City & State)
What elementary school did you attend?
Were you a good student?
What is your favorite memory of school?

Teenage and Young Adult

What high school did you attend?
What were you like as a teenager?
What is your most/least favorite story about high school?
What did you and your friends do for entertainment?
Where did you go to college? (Name and location)
What did you study?
What were your goals?
What is your most/least favorite story about college?
What was your first job out of college?
Where did you live?
Did it meet your expectations?
What else did you do?

Marriage and Family

When did you meet your spouse? Name/Date of Birth
When did you get married? Where/Date
Describe your wedding
Did your parents like your spouse?
Did her/his parents like you?
Where did you go on your honeymoon?
Where did you live?
What was your spouse's business or profession?
Names and Dates of Birth
What were they like as children
Favorite story about each
Describe your family life
Celebration of holidays (also, religious holidays)
Family vacations
Family reunions
Name of child/where does he/she live?
Work he/she does
Name of child's spouse
Names of children and dates of birth
Favorite story about each child


What has been your primary career?
What did you like best/least about it?
Would you do it again if you had a choice?
Retirement/Hobbies/Special Interests
What hobbies do you have?
Do you have friends who do the same thing?
Are you enjoying your retirement? How?


What, if anything, would you have done differently?
Over time, how have you changed the way you look at life and people?
What would you especially like your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to know and remember about you?
Is there anything you would like to add before we end?
"Thank you."

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