Wednesday 25 January 2017

Whenever life gets me down, I turn to two things: mindfulness or gratitude

  • Food. There's billions of people that don't have enough food to eat everyday. Do you?
  • Shelter. If you have a home to go back to and sleep in, out of the elements, you can count yourself lucky.
  • Clothing. Most people reading this have one pair of clothes, at least. That's something to be grateful for.
  • Family. Do you have family members? Any of whom you like? If so, this is a big one. You're very fortunate if you have a loving family. Many don't.
  • Friends. If you have even one friend, that's something worth celebrating. Without friendship, life is tricky. So if you have a friend out there somewhere, meet or call them if you can. And say thank you.
  • Job. Do you have a job that pays you money? If so, that's wonderful. There are more and more with no job at all. Even if you don't like your job, at least you have some money coming in.
  • Health. I hope you have some health, if not everything. Health is so precious and yet so easy to take for granted when things are going lovely jubly.
  • You're alive on planet earth. I'm pretty sure you're alive and on earth. If so, that's a miracle itself, don't you think? What a beautiful planet we live on, with beaches, forests, mountains and lakes. Millions of different animals, countless plants, birds, trees.
  • Access to the internet. If you're online, you're connect with millions, if not billions, of other people. That's amazing, isn't it?

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