Sunday 28 May 2017


Philosopher Emmanuel Kant spoke of time as a “necessary representation, lying at the foundation of all our intuitions.” From the moment of birth, we are immersed in time. All of our actions and experiences evolve in time. We exist in time and our ‘sense of time’ is critical to everything we do from the mundane act of crossing a road, waiting for a reply, catching a falling object, and managing our working day, to the complex performances by musicians, dancers, and athletes using their sharpened timing skills. Without a proper sense of time, we would not be able to understand and produce comprehensible speech, read and write, focus on a task, switch attention from one thing to another, multitask, sequence the steps to perform everyday tasks, or learn new information. Time is critical to our thoughts, emotions, gestures, and essential to the way we communicate with others. Without the ability to sense time, nothing would make sense.

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