Saturday 26 August 2017

Technology has a crucial role to play in this transition, but its power must be harnessed and mastered for ecological restoration and social evolution. We could use the mass media and the Internet to retool the human population, on a global scale, in ecological practices, such as rooftop gardening, rainwater harvesting, composting, ways to produce renewable energy from biodigestors or solar heaters. We could repurpose the engineering genius which created the Internet and the smart phone to build wilderness corridors, rapidly replant forests, reverse ocean acidification, use natural bioremediation techniques on watersheds and wetlands, and so on.

Technology has a crucial role to play in this transition, but its power must be harnessed and mastered for ecological restoration and social evolution. We could use the mass media and the Internet to retool the human population, on a global scale, in ecological practices, such as rooftop gardeningrainwater harvestingcomposting, ways to produce renewable energy from biodigestors or solar heaters. We could repurpose the engineering genius which created the Internet and the smart phone to build wilderness corridors, rapidly replant forests, reverse ocean acidification, use natural bioremediation techniques on watersheds and wetlands, and so on.

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