Friday 22 September 2017


I found quantum physics. Physics says that energy is vibrating and pulsating so fast that there is no solidity. Nothing is solid anywhere. This is the message of E=mcsquared. Everything and everybody is pulsating and spinning so fast as points of light that we just think we are solid. This is why there is no death. Energy does not die. Rather than being illusions, we are holograms. I read this in the book "Hands of Light" written by the NASA physicist Barbara Brennan. This fast pulsating and spinning light is consciousness itself. I read the book "The Quantum World" written by the physicist Ford. These are some of his words: 'magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons.' This tells me that creation is constant and on purpose. We are not taught this in public schools, so this is why we must be compassionate. No one knows that they are constantly being created on purpose and that there is no such thing as death, which leads to all the wars and prisons and other tortures on earth. At what is called death, we leave these bodies that vibrate as holograms which are 3 dimensions that are buried. I have read that we exist within a set of 12 holograms/dimensions, each vibrating and pulsating different speeds so that they fit within each other like nesting dolls. The other 9 holograms fly off to be in their respective dimensions since God/Source is multidimensional. The compassion is because this Source of energy that we are bursting from is love itself and we don't know this. We don't know that these bodies are bursting forth as love with brilliant light.

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