Thursday 13 August 2020

SPAR “Happiness Isn’t Fixed, or Binary. You Can Be…Happy But Still Melancholy, or Not Happy But Somehow Content.”

 “Happiness Isn’t Fixed, or Binary. You Can Be…Happy But Still Melancholy, or Not Happy But Somehow Content.”


//////////////////DONT CRY FOR ME, I AM IN R-GEN-TINA

//////////////////Take bowel cancer. Eating half an onion per day could peel away your chances by 79%. The vegetable has proven carcinogen-killing properties, while its high fibre content trims the time that harmful chemicals sit in your gut. Each 10g dose reduces your risk by a tenth, according to the BMJ.


//////////////PSYD Narcissists are prone to a classic bias in thinking.

Narcissists refuse to believe they have made any mistakes, new research finds.

A narcissist responds to a mistake by saying “No one could have seen this coming!”

Unfortunately, narcissists have a habit of rising through the ranks in organisations.

They get promoted because they are experts at deflecting blame when things go wrong and taking all the credit for successes.

The danger narcissists pose for organisations, though, is that they make poor decisions.

The reason is they fail to learn from their mistakes.

While many people protect their ego from their own mistakes, narcissists take this to the extreme.


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