Tuesday 8 December 2020




Vedanta, however, is not a mere view of Reality; it is also a way of life—not ordinary life, but spiritual life. Its aim is to enable human beings to solve the existential problems of life, transcend human limitations, go beyond suffering, and attain supreme fulfilment and peace. Although there are six darśanas, Vedanta alone has remained the philosophy of the Hindu religious tradition from very ancient times to the present day. Of the different schools of Vedanta, Advaita has for its domain the mainstream Hinduism, whereas the other schools of Vedanta are associated with the different sects of Hinduism.


PSYD Children with more severe repetitive behaviours — a classic sign of autism — are more likely to experience stomach pain, constipation and other gut difficulties.


PSYD Teaching people to focus on positive emotions helps them deal with stress, new research finds.

People were taught classic positive psychology exercises such as keeping a gratitude journal, recognising positive events each day and doing small acts of kindness.

Together, the training helped reduce people’s anxiety and depression over the six weeks of the study.


"Life is all about the little decisions you make every day. You can't change the decisions of the past, but every new day is another opportunity to make the right ones."

-- Author Unknown




While Descartes was the father of modern philosophy, Galileo Galilei (1564– 1642) is standardly thought of as the father of modern science. His formulation of the mathematical laws of nature—the precursor of Newton’s (1643–1727) laws of motion and universal gravitation—and his defense of the Copernican view that the earth and planets revolve around the sun—for which he was persecuted by the Church—laid the foundations for the scientific revolution. What is perhaps less remarked upon is that Galileo was also one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. T



It is really not difficult to become aware of the ‘experiencer’ aspect of the self that constantly processes input irrespective of the nature or qualities of the data, such as thoughts, memories, images, sensations, and emotions. With practice, one can stay focused on that quality of consciousness as a process without actually getting involved in the ‘what’ that is being processed or experienced. This experiential edge watchfully processes every second. It is like a listener/feeler/ anticipator/rememberer/recognizer/multiprocessor unit. The ‘experiencer’ is the perceptual edge of consciousnes






He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe,
is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.

—Albert Einstein


If Galileo traveled in time to the present day to hear that we are having difficulty giving a physical explanation of consciousness, he would most likely respond, “Of course you are, I designed physical science to deal with quantities not qualities!”





There's a reason they call it the “hard problem." Consciousness: Where is it? What is it? No one single perspective seems to be able to answer all the questions we have about consciousness. Now Bernardo Kastrup thinks he's found one. He calls his ontology idealism, and according to idealism, all of us and all we perceive are manifestations of something very much like a cosmic-scale dissociative identity disorder (DID). He suggests there's an all-encompassing universe-wide consciousness, it has multiple personalities, and we're them


In our standard view of things, consciousness exists only in the brains of highly evolved organisms, and hence consciousness exists only in a tiny part of the universe and only in very recent history. According to panpsychism, in contrast, consciousness pervades the universe and is a fundamental feature of it. This doesn’t mean that literally everything is conscious. The basic commitment is that the fundamental constituents of reality—perhaps electrons and quarks—have incredibly simple forms of experience. And the very complex experience of the human or animal brain is somehow derived from the experience of the brain’s most basic parts.


Anger ... it's a paralyzing emotion ... you can't get anything done. People sort of think it's an interesting, passionate, and igniting feeling — I don't think it's any of that — it's helpless ... it's absence of control — and I need all of my skills, all of the control, all of my powers ... and anger doesn't provide any of that — I have no use for it whatsoever. - Toni Morrison


Imagine a beautiful flower blooming in the garden. If you run past it you will not be able to appreciate its beauty, whereas if you are walking by you can enjoy it more, and if you stand still in front of it you will appreciate its beauty even more. If you are flying, then you will not even see the flower below you on the earth. So when we are moving rapidly, we miss out on many things


Radical materialists argue that consciousness is an illusion. More moderate materialists hope that we will one day be able to explain the subjective inner world of consciousness in terms of the chemistry of the brain


To move from below calibration level 200 to above 200 is already a primary and very major step. The next major transition is to move from the dominance of emotionality to the capacities of reason and the intellect, and then to transcend them at level 499 and realize that Reality is not linear or descriptive but instead subjective. The emergence of Love at 500 announces the dominance of a new paradigm. Consciousness level 540 signals the emergence of Unconditional Love, which progresses on through joy and ecstasy. Enlightenment classically calibrates at level 600 and then on up to 1,000 with the disappearance of linearity as the presumed reality.


 Kastrup's system is based on an ontology growing popular with some philosophers, and with some physicists, called constitutive panpsychism. (We've explained this concept in greater detail before at Big Think.) It's basically the idea that everything, all of the tiny subatomic particles that make up the universe's mass, have consciousness, a sense of what it's like to have an experience. We have consciousness because it's everywhere. In this way, it's all there is.


Human beings have a very rich and complex experience; horses less so; mice less so again. As we move to simpler and simpler forms of life, we find simpler and simpler forms of experience. Perhaps, at some point, the light switches off, and consciousness disappears. But it’s at least coherent to suppose that this continuum of consciousness fading while never quite turning off carries on into inorganic matter, with fundamental particles having almost unimaginably simple forms of experience to reflect their incredibly simple nature. That’s what panpsychists believe.




The Apollo 11 mission in 1969 took 51 hours and 49 minutes to reach the lunar surface – while Nasa’s unmanned New Horizons Pluto Mission in 2015 took just eight hours and 35 minutes to reach the lunar surface before heading on towards Pluto.


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