Monday 5 April 2021





Morality at the core does not exist as a natural force. 

One cannot name an element of morality, justice nor duty. Such matters are ultimately a fantasy but have been constructed by man to reduce harm to oneself and to others.

The Buddha states a plethora of immoral actions from a very well-reasoned ground. However, no one is entirely evil, nor entirely good. This is exemplified symbolically by the ying-yang symbol.




Who experiences the karma may I as? The body might experience the karma but if you are not the body, you don't.

Angulimala is the instance where he killed thousands and got enlightened by the Buddha. The Buddha knew he was going to kill thousands, but did not stop. Achieving arahantship freed you from all the karma since all your illusions are gone. In the past life, Buddha killed a fish by beating on its head. He then received a headache even when he became the Buddha. However, he is no longer the same person that killed the fish and nor he is the physical body experience the headache.


. Angulimala's karma was mitigated, not erased. He still had stones and other debris throw at him after his arahantship, as a result of his past actions. There are other examples of arahants experiencing the results of their past karma, albeit mitigated in the same way as Angulimala.


Everyone will become the Buddha or arahat at some point. The buddha in the past surely did many unskillful actions, that is why he is now the BUddha. He might even do a lot more unskillful actions so that he understands everything.


someone attainted arahatship are freed from the idea of self ( that including mind, body, emotions), hence the word Tathagata


For instance, if you achieve one of the jhanas when you about to die, you will reincarnate in a very high-up realm and live for millions of years while experience bliss and happiness


If it was from a Mahayana perspective it would of mentioned Bodhisattva and rituals and other deities. This perspective is from a Theravada perspective as it only accounts for the teachings spoken by the teacher. In regards to the Tripitaka. As we all know the many Buddhist schools have their own cannon and view of Nirvana. Most Theravada reject Mahayana cannon.


There are actions and words that are marked by the kilesas (defilements) - greed, ill-will and aversion. These are unwholesome.

Those actions and words that are free from the defilements are wholesome.

4. "And what, friends, is the unwholesome, what is the root of the unwholesome, what is the wholesome, what is the root of the wholesome? Killing living beings is unwholesome; taking what is not given is unwholesome; misconduct in sensual pleasures is unwholesome; false speech is unwholesome; malicious speech is unwholesome; harsh speech is unwholesome; gossip is unwholesome; covetousness is unwholesome; ill will is unwholesome; wrong view is unwholesome. This is called the unwholesome.

5. "And what is the root of the unwholesome? Greed is a root of the unwholesome; hate is a root of the unwholesome; delusion is a root of the unwholesome. This is called the root of the unwholesome.

6. "And what is the wholesome? Abstention from killing living beings is wholesome; abstention from taking what is not given is wholesome; abstention from misconduct in sensual pleasures is wholesome; abstention from false speech is wholesome; abstention from malicious speech is wholesome; abstention from harsh speech is wholesome; abstention from gossip is wholesome; non-covetousness is wholesome; non-ill will is wholesome; right view is wholesome. This is called the wholesome.

7. "And what is the root of the wholesome? Non-greed is a root of the wholesome; non-hate is a root of the wholesome; non-delusion is a root of the wholesome. This is called the root of the wholesome.


 Theravada tradition believes that only by renouncing the world does one reach Nirvana. 

While Mahayana believes that you don't need to renounce the world to reach Nirvana.


Metta: love thy neighbour as you would thyself

Renunciation: it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven

Karma: Do onto others as you would have done onto you [for] what you reap is what you sow.

The Buddha taught that one can take rebirth in the heavens through the practice of loving kindness.

The Buddha's path is distinguished on the presence of the noble eightfold path - the path leading to the extinction of suffering - but apart from this, there are many commonalities with other traditions.

Further, many of the miracles attributed to Jesus are powers that are documented by the Buddha as the fruits of jhana - e.g., walking on water, moving through solid rock.

At the very least, it would appear that Jesus had knowledge of jhana practice, parallel to that taught by the Buddha.





A day is like a whole life. You start out doingone thing, but end up doing something else,plan to run an errand, but never get there...And at the end of your life, your whole existencehas the same haphazard quality, too. Your wholelife has the same shape as a single day.~ Michael CrichtoN


Fully vaccinated people can travel but should still take precautions, CDC says

In updated guidance, the CDC said fully vaccinated people can travel but should still take precautions.

“Given recent studies evaluating the real-world effects of vaccination, CDC recommends that fully vaccinated people can travel at low risk to themselves,” the agency said. “A person is considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after receiving the last recommended dose of vaccine.”

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