Saturday 4 December 2021




“Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.”

— Frederick Douglass



Not knowing your background, Shreela, I don’t know if you’re going to want to hear this, culturally or conditionally, so no-offense in advance, is this counters your belief system. But the true answer might be beneficial to other readers, so here goes:

NONE of of what you say in your question is true. It’s all based on romanticized old religious & spiritual beliefs.

Meditation is not like a car wash. You do not ‘wash out’ thoughts. You watch all your thoughts…and emotions and body sensations. And desires, and plans and worries and moods. And judgments. Dispassionately. As a neutral, non-engaged, non-reactive Witness. All these ripples may slow down, and maybe even stop completely for a short while. Or they may not. They may continue to flood. It doesn’t matter, either way. You’re just watching. The You that’s watching doesn’t care. It is just pure Awareness, so it’s always at peace. It doesn’t care if there are no thoughts, ten thoughts, or ten-thousand thoughts.

There is no past or future lives and no karma. These are old religious beliefs made convincing by misinterpration of ancient teachings (that were only spoken verbally, then later, unreliably turned into ‘scripture’ and ‘religion,’ usually by ‘monks’ with ulterior motives.) For the sake of the illusory ‘ego.’ To soothe it’s fears about the three things it worries about most:

- Survival - (‘afterlife’ and ‘living forever,’ somehow as the same ego you all ready are:-)

- Seeking Pleasure & Avoiding Pain - i.e., ‘washing out all your painful thoughts,’ and somehow getting that illusory ego to the end of all suffering - which is patently impossible.

- Worthiness - being worthy of ‘God’s’ willingness to grant you permanent to peace & joy, by burning out all your ‘sins’ and ‘karma.’ When in fact You are unconditional peace & joy right now, nothing to atone for or attain. You are God, because there is only God (or Being or The Whole.)

So Shreela, you will never need to ‘wash out’ anything, in one lifetime or ten-thousand lifetimes, because there is no “you,” no ‘separate entity’ that has even had one lifetime. Indeed, that is the definition of the liberation one might think they can get closer to by washing out thoughts, karma and lifetimes .:-) So, of course, you don’t need to become a monk. You don’t need to attain anything or become anything other than what you already are, which is a perfect expression of the Divine play, exactly as you ‘should’ be, exactly as You (the One True You) ‘want’ it.

outside the illusion, there is no “I” but still, we are living in the illusion making use of the ability of “I”, therefore some masks or persona have to put on when dealing with different scenarios.

Karma does exist, but it is not a punishment system to judge right from wrong, it is the mechanism of how things happen in this illusionary world. Without karma, the illusionary world doesn’t exist, without the illusionary world existing, there are no findings, no knowing, no realising, no awareness and no “enlightenment”, no “non-duality” by seeing the “duality”.


As long as a human lives, there is a mind. When a human is close to death, there still is a mind, and the mind experiences itself experiencing things. The mind experiences itself being an individual.

Enlightened ones are not their minds. The mind is still there, the mental idea of being an individual is still there, but an enlightened one is not that.

It is possible that what an enlightened ones experience as themselves is what the human mind perceives when the body is close to death. The difference is that the human mind perceives it as something it experiences, as something happening to it, while the enlightened one is that which is happening.

A mind experiences merging with infinity - enlightened one is infinity.

This sentence “A mind experiences merging with infinity - enlightened one is infinity.” Just beautiful!

Individuals, beings, not-selfs, sometimes selves, maybe and not selves, after attaining their magical state will wonder “Can I get my body back?”.

Some NDE’s tell that they become the white light which is unconditional love and understanding the all mechanism of life in an eternal ‘now’, which is impossible to onderstand for the human mind. After the NDE they have a wonderful memory of the experience but or again separated. Are you always the ONE, not by thought but experiencing it?





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