Wednesday 18 May 2022

Sharonagato. Bhorai

Amayi Ma
"You think you understand Her? Even philosophers can not explain who She is. The scriptures say that She, herself,is the essence of us all. 
It is She, herself, who brings life through her sweet will. You think you understand her? I can only smile! You think that you can  truly know her? I can only laugh! But what our minds accept, our hearts do not. Ants try to grasp the moon, we try to grasp Her."

Ramprasad Sen

A In the early morning hours of one September day I became God. The self finally vanquished, faded into the void. There in that still space, lingered a light which guided me home. Between the waking and the dreaming, was the pure essence of mind. The gates of eternity swung open and I tumbled through. The letters of my name annihilated, the echo of I am was all that remained. Neither male nor female, neither good nor evil. Upside down, down side up became one. The inner became the outer and the outer became the inner. So I smiled and danced, how long I had forgotten. I am God.. I am.


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