Thursday 9 March 2023


 More educated adults have lower average body mass index (BMI). This may be due to selection, if adolescents with lower BMI attain higher levels of education, or it may be due to causation, if higher educational attainment reduces BMI gain in adulthood



Develop a non-judgmental relationship with your mind. This is best done through the practice of meditation. When you’re under the sway of strong emotion, you come into contact with a state of being that I like to call Insane Obsessive Thinking

View your whole life as path. With a sense of clarity in your mind and stability in your heart, the third stage becomes something altogether different. There is no practice associated with this one. With mental clarity and emotional stability comes the ability to see your entire life as path. You have created the foundation for an entirely authentic life, one full of joy and sorrow, meetings and partings, giving and taking, and deep meaning. The dark power of heartbreak has led you there. 


I know a very wise man.

He draws one of the the highest salary given by the government of our country.

Once we were having a discussion about struggles during initial days.

He said that there was a time when his parents had almost nothing left to sponsor his studies.

While he was failing all exams by thin margins.

I asked him how did he deal with that phase.

He simply said-

“God has given me two hands, two legs and a mind. I was sure that if any day I simply go out and start driving or do some physical labor, I will at least earn food for two times. This thought kept me going with full force until I found my way”

His words did magic to my thoughts.

That day I learnt that-

If you can't earn at your current level, be it any reason, shamelessly step down and you will become the best among rest and easily earn a livelihood.

There is another example-

In 2008, due to recession, a person lost his job of around 40K a month.

He didn't get any job even after repeated searches.

Finally he stepped down from his current level, opened a Chaat (snack) cart, hired two employees, used good quality oil and fresh products.

Slowly he built a customer base.

And now after a decade, he has rented out a store and is earning much more than that job.

Keep doing your karma (deeds) shamelessly, unbothered about what others may think, and you will definitely find a source of income.


Yes, lord hanuman is a incarnation of Lord shiva actually he is swayam Rudra

lord rudra is vaishnavottam and thats why he comes in every yuga to help his ishta deva lord Vishnu


Lord Vishnu takes incarnation by the name Ram in Treta yug and Krishna avatar in Dwapar yug on earth for saving dharma.


Both Yes and No.

Yes because Mahaganapati and Ganesha is same tatwā. Mahaganapati is 5th form of Parabrahman. He is saguna Brahman and anugraha karaka form. Surya(Srishti), Narayana(Sthithi), Shiva(Vinasha), Shakti(Tirodhana) are other 4 forms of Parabrahman.

No because Mahaganapati is Mulā Ganapati whereas lord Ganesha is his form. Just same like Adyāshakti Trìpurāmbikā and Goddess Parvati. After the process of creation Mahaganapati incarnates as Gouriputra Ganesha.





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