Monday 30 October 2023

Fighting CA. X LOA

Let’s discuss the concept of “incurable” diseases
There is not a physical apparatus, no matter what the state of deterioration, that cannot achieve
perfect health. But that which you believe has everything to do with what you allow in your
experience. If you’ve been convinced that something is not curable, that it’s fatal, and then you’re
told that you have it, usually your belief will be that you will not survive. And so, you will not. But
your survival has nothing to do with the disease and everything to do with your thoughts. And so, if
you say to yourself, “That may be true for others, but it’s not true for me, because I am the creator
of my experience, and I choose recovery, not death at this time”, you can recover. We know, that
these words are easily said by us and not so easily heard by those who do not believe in their power
to create. But your experience always reflects the balance of your thoughts

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