Sunday 26 November 2023

Ppl games

The solitary individual can structure time in two ways: activity and fantasy. An individual can remain solitary even in the presence of others, as every schoolteacher knows. When one is a member of a social aggregation of two or more people, there are several options for structuring time. In order of complexity, these are: (1) Rituals; (2) Pastimes; 
The solitary individual can structure time in two ways: activity and fantasy.
The position is, then, that at any given moment each individual in a social aggregation will exhibit a Parental, Adult or Child ego state, and that individuals can shift with varying degrees of readiness from one ego state to another.
Eric Berne


Salesman: ‘This one is better, but you can’t afford it.’ Housewife: ‘That’s the one I’ll take.
Eric Berne, 

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