Wednesday 24 April 2024


Ben Meer’s Post

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The Systems Guy • Follow me for systems on health, wealth, and free time ⚡ Cornell MBA • 2M+ audience

12 "If, then" algorithms for self-care: 1. If you're pursuing a goal, then avoid telling people. It releases cheap dopamine and tricks your brain into thinking you've already achieved it (lowering motivation). Move in silence. 2. If you're unhappy, then start with brain health: sleep, hydrate, exercise, eat nutritiously, rebalance your dopamine with less screen time. Our society labels many issues as mental health that are actually brain health. (Source: Dr. Daniel Amen) 3. If you experience a beautiful life moment, then write it down. Best tacos ever. Presentation you crushed. Bonfire with friends. Save the memory and, one day, the memory might save you. 4. If you find yourself regretting past decisions, then stop. You made the best choice at the time, with the knowledge you had. Be at peace with it. 5. If you find yourself stuck in a mental loop, ask yourself, "Is this useful?" and "Will I care about this in one year?" 6. If you're comparing yourself to others, then stop. Trust me: they have their own issues you'd never want. Only compare yourself to your former self. 7. If they steal your energy, then run away from them as fast as you can. If they are prone to conflict, then ditto. 8. If you see leaves swaying in the breeze or ripples in the pool, then take a moment to be present. The nature of reality is 100x more beautiful than any virtual reality. 9. If you feel overwhelmed by mainstream media, then turn it off. You're allowed to NOT have your attention monetized. 10. If you've recently been destroyed by something, then realize this is the best time to transform your life. Focus on your values and daily habits to build yourself back stronger. You get to write how the story ends. 11. If you're feeling rushed, then try going at 85%. "Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast." Carl Lewis, 9-Time Olympic Gold medalist, ran his fastest at 85%, anyway. ⬳ Enjoy this? Repost to help your network ♻️. And if you want more ideas like these, join 270K+ in my free newsletter, System Sunday:

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