Monday 24 September 2007


////////////Other than the obvious inclusion of fresh produce and the avoidance of processed foods, here are some of Reno’s guidelines (with my comments in parentheses):
Eat 5-6 times per day (Good idea – not realistic for many)
Each meal should be between 200-300 calories (this essentially makes it a low calorie diet as total calories would be between 1200–1800)
Eat a complex carbohydrate with protein at every meal
Drink at least 2L (8 cups) of water every day (not a bad idea if you are exercising daily)
Never miss a meal, especially breakfast (Agree with the breakfast part but 6 meals per day make skipping the odd one almost inevitable)
Avoid saturated and trans-fats (ouch… I’m leery of advice that lumps these 2 fats together)
Stick to proper portion sizes (agree completely)


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