Friday 2 November 2007


////////////////////Study suggests how DNA building block might have formed
Nov. 2, 2007Courtesy University of Georgiaand World Science staff
Many ex­pe­ri­ments have shown it: sim­ple mo­le­cules can com­bine chem­ic­ally—out­side of liv­ing things—to form the build­ing blocks of DNA, the key com­po­nent of life. But just how this com­bina­t­ion oc­curs is un­known. Sci­en­tists want to find out, since that might ex­plain how DNA orig­i­nat­ed.
The basic structure of DNA. (Courtesy U.S. Nat'l Library of Medicine)
Now, chem­ists have pro­posed what they call the first de­tailed, fea­si­ble ac­count of how one of DNA’s ma­jor build­ing blocks could have aris­en on an ear­ly, life­less Earth. The nec­es­sary in­gre­di­ents: five cy­a­nide molecules, they said.Just where “bio­mole­cules,” such as DNA’s com­po­nents, orig­i­nat­ed is­n’t known, said Un­ivers­ity of Geor­gia chem­ist Paul von Ra­guĂ© Schle­yer, one of the re­search­ers. “One can only spec­u­late. They could have formed from smal­ler mo­le­cules pre­s­ent on prim­i­tive Earth, ei­ther very slowly over mil­lions of years or rap­idly be­fore the Earth cooled down. As­ter­oids may have brought them from out­er space,” he added, thought this does­n’t ex­plain how they would have formed there.DNA is life’s mo­lec­u­lar blue­print, passed from gen­er­a­t­ion to gen­er­a­t­ion. First iso­lat­ed in 1869 by a Swiss doc­tor from pus in dis­carded ban­dages, DNA’s struc­ture was dis­cov­ered in 1953. It’s shaped some­what like a twisted lad­der with rungs an­chored by in­ter­lock­ing pairs of two out of four mo­le­cules, known as nu­cleic ac­id bas­es. The four are ad­e­nine, gua­nine, cy­to­sine and thy­mine.Schley­er’s team fo­cused on ad­e­nine be­cause of its prev­a­lence and abil­ity to form from sim­ple com­po­nents in the dark. Along with oth­er build­ing blocks of life, ad­e­nine has even been de­tected in out­er space, though there, the great dis­tances among its smal­l­er mo­lec­u­lar in­gre­di­ents make its emer­gence trick­i­er to ex­plain.But many ex­pe­ri­ments have shown that sim­u­lated prim­i­tive Earth con­di­tions can lead to the forma­t­ion of es­sen­tial com­pounds of life in­clud­ing ami­no ac­ids, nu­cleotides and car­bo­hy­drates, the re­search­ers wrote in their stu­dy. The work was pub­lished Oct. 30 in the sci­ent­i­fic jour­nal Pro­ceed­ings of the Na­t­ional Academies of Sci­ence.Re­mark­ably, they said, adenine has been found to arise from highly poi­son­ous cy­a­nide dis­solved in am­mo­nia and fro­zen in a re­frig­er­a­tor for 25 years. A high-temp­er­a­ture ex­pe­ri­ment de­signed to sim­u­late early volc­ano-like en­vi­ron­ments also pro­duced ade­nine. But the ques­tion is how.Schley­er’s team de­vised an an­swer by solv­ing a se­ries of key rid­dles. They worked out pro­cesses in which five cy­a­nide mo­le­cules might com­bine to make ad­e­nine un­der ter­res­tri­al con­di­tions. The pro­pos­al was based on computer-assisted stud­ies that in­volved quan­tum me­chan­ics, the some­times illogical-seeming rules that go­vern atom­ic in­ter­ac­tions.The re­search­ers said the re­port pro­vides a more de­tailed un­der­stand­ing of some of the pro­cesses of “chem­ical evo­lu­tion,” and a par­tial an­swer to the basic ques­tion of how life’s chem­istry emerged. The in­ves­ti­ga­t­ion should trig­ger si­m­i­lar probes into the ori­gins of the three re­main­ing bas­es and of oth­er bi­o­log­ic­ally rel­e­vant mol­e­cules, they added.


////////////////////MOVING STORY OF HUMAN GREED=Heroes star Hayden's surfboard protest fails to stop dolphin bloodbathLast updated at 09:27am on 2nd November 2007
Comments (2)
Heroes star Hayden Panettiere wept yesterday after watching the salvage slaughter of a pod of dolphins.
The actress was among 30 protesters who paddled on surfboards to block mounted an extraordinary attack on Japanese fisherman during their annual dolphin massacre.
But before the Australian and American surfers could reach the dolphins, a fishing boat intervened using the boat's propellers to block their way.

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