Friday 2 November 2007


////////////////////QUKIND=QUATUM UK IND DUALITY

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/////////////////OWN LF IS MORE IMP THAN VK


//////////////////Piggy Bank Day [Nov 2]

///////////////////romcom n. informal(in movies or television) a romantic comedy.ORIGIN: blend.

///////////////////Chapter V: The Yoga of Renunciation of ActionV.3. JNEYAH SA NITYASANNYAASI YO NA DWESHTI NA KAANGKSHATI;NIRDWANDWO HI MAHAABAAHO SUKHAM BANDHAAT PRAMUCHYATE.(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)He should be known as a perpetual Sannyasin whoneither hates nor desires; for, free from the pairsof opposites, O mighty-armed Arjuna, he is easilyset free from bondage!COMMENTARY: A man does not become a Sannyasin by merelygiving up actions due to laziness, ignorance, some familyquarrel or calamity or unemployment. A true Sannyasin isone who has neither attachment nor aversion to anything.Physical renunciation of objects is no renunciation at all.What is wanted is the renunciation of egoism and desires.

/////////////////////////Group A Strep tonsillitis is characteristically in children from 3 to15 years who have high fever, sore throat, tummy ache, headache butoften no runny nose or cough.A runny nose is usually a viral rhinitis. However if this isaccompanied by high fever for 3 or 4 days or if it does not improve on10 to 14 days, may suggest bacterial superinfection of sinuses.

///////////////////////Genes affecting generosity may be found
Oct. 31, 2007Special to World Science
If you like easy games, you’d love this one. The rules: one play­er re­ceives some money. That play­er may then choose to give any part of it, or none, to a sec­ond play­er. The end.It seems ab­surdly sim­ple—does­n’t the sec­ond play­er even do an­ything?—but that’s ex­actly the point. Sci­en­tists stu­dy­ing al­tru­ism, or gen­eros­ity, de­signed it to pro­vide a straight­for­ward meas­ure of a per­son’s al­tru­ism, un­tainted by con­sid­era­t­ions such as how the oth­er play­er might re­act.
Kind Heart by the Bel­wgian paint­er Gus­tave Le­on­hard De­Jonghe (1829-1893), de­pict­ing a girl giv­ing mon­ey to the home­less.
In a new stu­dy, re­search­ers staged the game 203 times on­line be­tween dif­fer­ent play­ers un­aware of each oth­er’s ident­i­ties. The in­ves­ti­ga­tors an­a­lyzed the re­sults, as well as the par­ti­ci­pants’ genes. In this way they iden­ti­fied cer­tain vari­ants of a gene called AVPR1a as pos­sibly re­lat­ed to al­tru­ism.

///////////////////////At 400, clam may be longest-lived animal known
Oct. 30, 2007Courtesy Bangor Universityand World Science staff
Can you im­ag­ine liv­ing four cen­turies? Sci­en­tists say they’ve found an an­i­mal that did just that: a qua­hog clam, Arc­tica is­landica, that lived and grew in the cold wa­ters off Ice­land’s north coast for at least that long.
Courtesy Bangor University
When Shake­speare was writ­ing his great­est plays, the re­search­ers say—when Gior­da­no Bru­no was burnt at the stake in Rome for claim­ing in­fi­nite hab­it­a­ble worlds ex­ist—this mol­lusc was but a ten­der youth, ob­liv­i­ous to these de­vel­op­ments.The Guin­ness Book of Records gives the cur­rent rec­ord for long­est-lived an­i­mal to an­oth­er Arc­tica clam, age 220, col­lect­ed in 1982 from Amer­i­can wa­ters. Un­of­fi­cial­ly, the rec­ord be­longs to a 374-year-old Ice­land­ic clam found in a mu­se­um.


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