Tuesday 22 November 2011

Don’t postpone joy until you have learned all of your lessons. Joy is your lesson.” -Alan Cohen

//////////////I began this journey of looking at the source of my pain. Yet, I felt drowned by it, and I felt the constant burn of going through the fire. I indulged in this state and felt some form of relief about acknowledging all of this suffering.


////////////////ON CALL PAIN

///////////Everyone On Earth Is 4.74 Degrees Apart
According to a new Facebook study, just 4.74 degrees separate any person from another.

//////////////median ca survival now up to 6 yrs in vk


/////////////////HAWKING.........We each exist for but a short time, and in that time explore but a small part of the whole universe. But humans are a curious species. We wonder, we seek answers.

//////////////////........Viewed on the timeline of human history, scientific inquiry is a very new endeavor. Our species, Homo sapiens, originated in sub-Saharan Africa around 200,000 bc. Written language dates back only to about 7000 bc, the product of societies centered around the cultivation of grain.

/////////////////.......According to Aristotle (384 bc-322 bc), it was around that time that Thales first developed the idea that the world can be understood, that the complex happenings around us could be reduced to simpler principles and explained without resorting to mythical or theological explanations.

/////////////////,,,,,A key clue to the nature of Stone Age mathematics was unearthed in the late 1930s when archaeologist Karl Absolom, sifting through Czechoslovakian dirt, uncovered a 30,000-year-old wolf bone with a series of notches carved into it. Nobody knows whether Gog the caveman had used the bone to count the deer he killed, the paintings he drew, or the days he had gone without a bath, but it is pretty clear that early humans were counting something.

////////////////..........The Birth of Zero
In the history of culture the discovery of zero will always
stand out as one of the greatest single achievements of the
human race.
—Tobias Danzig, Number:]BRK The Language of Science

/////////////////A CLASSIC.....BT....
1. A classic addresses permanent concerns about the human condition.
"From a philosophical perspective it has something to say about the way we should live. From a literary perspective, it has something to say about imagining the possibilities for how we could live and from a historical perspective it tells us how we have lived."

2. A classic has been a game-changer.
"It has created profound shifts in perspective and not only for its earliest readers, but for all the readers who came later as well."

3. A classic has stimulated or influenced many other important works.
The work has impacted other important works, either directly or indirectly.

4. A classic has received critical acclaim.
Even if they violently disagreed with the work, "many generations of the best readers and the most expert critics have rated the work highly" and one of the best or most important of its kind.

5. A classic requires strenuous intellectual engagement.



////////////Art consists in limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.

- G. K. Chesterton -

//////////////////ADAM- COL-CYCL OF LF

///////////////...........DiSalvo's talk in his title of "happy brains" has little to do with joy and well-being, though. Instead, it is shorthand for our grey matter's tendency to choose the path of least resistance. When explaining confirmation bias, for instance, DiSalvo cites brain scans showing that we treat conflicting information as if it is a physical threat. As a result, we choose the "happier" option of ignoring details that don't fit our views.




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