Thursday 10 November 2011

"Meditation attunes me to nature."


///////////////HUMAN BEING AND DOING

//////////////.........Whichever of the two occurs, be patient." Whether it is glorious or wretched, delightful or hateful, be patient.


////////////...........Two steps to primate social living - Nick Bascom - Science News
from : The Latest Updates

Primates may have evolved from living the lonely life to forming complex societies in two major steps, a new study of more than 200 species suggests. Understanding when and why the ancestors of Homo sapiens and its closest cousins adopted different social structures could help reveal more about the evolution of human society.

About 52 million years ago, primates — an order of animals that includes, among others, humans and great apes — might have stopped foraging alone and banded together in large, loosely formed, same-sex groups to search for food, anthropologist Susanne Shultz of the University of Oxford and colleagues report in the Nov. 10 Nature. Then around 16 million years ago, primates began forming more stable social groups, such as male-female pairs and harems dominated by one male, the researchers suggest.

Teaming up this way may have been prompted by a switch from a nocturnal lifestyle to moving about in the sunshine. “Being active during the day would have allowed primates to travel across larger spaces and exploit their environment more effectively, but it would have also exposed them to a huge predation risk,” says Shultz. To make it through the day, primates would have needed a new defense strategy to deal with both a greater number of predators and also new kinds of hunters.

////////////////...........Molars Say Cooking Is Almost 2 Million Years Old
from Scientific American Topic - Anthropology

Most large animals have to chew food extensively and form it into a mushy ball that’s easy to swallow. Cooking makes a huge difference--it softens the food and dramatically reduces eating time. Researchers calculated that if we lived like our non-cooking primate cousins, we’d spend about 48 percent of the day eating. But modern humans spend only about 5 percent of the day chowing down. So when our ancestors invented cooking, it gave them a major survival advantage.



////////////////.........Happiness is not a reward -- it is a consequence.

- Robert Green Ingersoll -

/////////////........Many who practice meditation are aware that consciousness can be free of the usual verbal chatter of our minds. It may be that what we call our self, or the “I” in our perception of self, is made not of patterns of electrochemical synaptic logic (neurons chattering) but rather the aggregate experience of the mass of glial cells, each one contributing its particle of consciousness to the whole. The mental sensations of self, desire, fear, love and hate seem better understood in the light of Fields’s discoveries about the manner in which glia interact with neural synapses and interact with one another.

//////////////.....Functions of the subconscious may be subconscious because they are neural rather than glial.

///////////......Don't love the things you own, lest they own you.”

////////////////Chapter II: Sankhya Yoga

(Krishna speaking to Arjuna)
II.22. Just as a man casts off worn-out clothes and puts on new
ones, so also the embodied Self casts off worn-out bodies ##




////////////////////////SINKING SUN SYNDROME.....FTHR MTHR
