Saturday 17 March 2012


////////////SCHOPENHAUER- Life is “too short for bad books” and “a few pages” should be quite enough, he claims, for “a provisional estimate of an author’s productions.”

//////////////.....Kafka remarked that beyond a certain point a writer might decide to finish his or her novel at any moment, with any sentence; it really was an arbitrary question,NYT

/////////////CATHARSIS OF EXHAUSTION....catharsis of exhaustion: their books present themselves as rich and extremely taxing experiences that simply come to an end at some point where writer, reader and indeed characters, all feel they’ve had enough

Why Finish Books?
Tim Parks

//////////////////.....stories were not always obliged to have an end, or to keep the same ending.

////////////////.......Ezra Klein, on lobbying

"The point of lobbyists is not so much to change the votes, as to change the legislative agenda"


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