Sunday 27 May 2012


//////////////////////////Augusten Burroughs, on happiness

 "Joy is a fleeting emotion, like a very long sneeze"

//////////////////////////////////some of the early artifacts. The difficulty would have been to make these artifacts, the time invested in these things, means that from a very early point in our civilization, or before civilization, I think the earliest pieces are probably about 90,000 years old. There are certainly older things that are tools, but pieces of artwork, about 90,000 years old.

////////////////////////////////////teleological explanations, the idea that everything is made for a purpose or a function, is a natural way to see the world. This is Deb Kelemen's work. You will find that people who considered themselves fairly rational and well educated will, nevertheless, default back to teleological explanations if you put them under a stressful timed kind of situation. So it's a way of seeing the world that is never eradicated. I think that's going to be a general principle, in the same way that a reflex, if you think about reflexes, that's an unlearned behavioral response. You're born with a whole set of reflexes. Many of them disappear, but they never entirely go away. They become typically reintegrated into more complex behaviors, but if someone goes into a coma, you can see the reflexes reemerging.


////////////////////////////////Graham Greene, on inspiration

 "Major characters emerge; minor ones may be photographed"

/////////////////////////////////////A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” -Ingrid Bergman

/////////////////////////////Age-otori (Japanese): To look worse after a haircut

/////////////////////////////Arigata-meiwaku (Japanese): An act someone does for you that you didn’t want to have them do and tried to avoid having them do, but they went ahead anyway, determined to do you a favor, and then things went wrong and caused you a lot of trouble, yet in the end social conventions required you to express gratitude

///////////////////////////////Backpfeifengesicht (German): A face badly in need of a fist

///////////////////////////////Pochemuchka (Russian): a person who asks a lot of questions

///////////////////////////////Waldeinsamkeit (German): The feeling of being alone in the woods

///////////////////////////////Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain

///////////////////////////////Manifest plainness, embrace simplicity. Reduce selfishness, have few desires.

 Lao Tzu

/////////////////////////////Fall seven times, stand up eight!

Japanese Proverbs

///////////////////////////////RD THUGS- M DASH

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