Monday 7 May 2012


////////////////////////Sociologists say that going against any superstition, no matter how silly, can feel like tempting fate because of the "anticipated regret of misfortune after flouting conventional wisdom. ... So if you’d feel worse falling into a pothole after walking under a ladder than after walking around the ladder, by all means, take the few extra steps to walk around. You won’t regret it."


////////////////////////////////////PHENOMENON OF TEMPTING FATE

//////////////////////////////////////SCI AM.......Negative outcomes would feel worse after tempting fate, which makes their possibility especially attention-grabbing, and thus more likely-seeming.

///////////////////////////////...........Tempting fate usually refers to one of two things: taking unnecessary risks or displaying hubris. Attempting to cheat death or showing presumption about success will inevitably invite rebuke. As a proverb says, “If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.”

/////////////////////////////////HUBRIS-EXTREME PRIDE OR ARROGANCE

////////////////////////////////////////........Tulane, 48 percent of medical residents avoided the word quiet while on call for fear that all hell would break loose. You can even jinx other people this way.

/////////////////////////////////...........Risen and Gilovich note that going against any superstition, no matter how silly, can feel like tempting fate because of the anticipated regret of misfortune after flouting conventional wisdom

/////////////////////////////////////////////Many of the conflicts that we currently face internationally are ultimately about control of biology,” says Berns. People may say they are fighting for ideas, but what they are really fighting for, according to Berns, is for values connected to survival, such as reproductive rights. “Things like religion are placeholders for that; what we’re seeing is a very Darwinian struggle for limited resources,” he says.

///////////////Being the only species which is consciously aware of its impending non-existence, humans have developed cultural system which portray the world as a meaningful, purposeful place in which death is not the final end.

///////////////////////......ATLNTC....As children develop cognitively, they begin to understand the threat of death," says Greenberg. "Their basis of security shifts from the parents to large cultural concepts, such as deities and ideals."

/////////////////////////........Research suggests that non-religious people are motivated more by compassion when acting charitably than those who self-identify as religious.

//////////////////////////.........While a non-religious person may need some emotional prompting to engage in generous behavior, "the more religious may ground their generosity less in emotion, and more in other factors such as doctrine, a communal identity, or reputational concerns," said Wille


What is our life? A play of passion,
 Our mirth the music of division,
 Our mother’s wombs the tiring-houses be,
 Where we are dressed for this short comedy.
 Heaven the judicious sharp spectator is,
 That sits and marks still who doth act amiss.
 Our graves that hide us from the setting sun
 Are like drawn curtains when the play is done.
 Thus march we, playing, to our latest rest,
 Only we die in earnest, that’s no jest.

Sir Walter Raleigh

///////////////////////////////////Neal Gabler, on thinking

 "We prefer knowing to thinking, because knowing has more immediate value"

//////////////////////////////////////sciam....Atheists miss out on a lot of great perks that come automatically with belonging to a faith. As a religious person, you gain a community of like-minded individuals, many of whom are eager to welcome you into their social circle. During tough times, this network softens your fall. When it comes to happiness, “there appears to be something special about having friends at church,” says sociologist Chaeyoon Lim

///////////////////////////////////////,,,,,,,,,Finding communities and social groups that align with your beliefs can improve life satisfaction.

/////////////////////////////////////Women who opt for epidurals are more likely to run a fever during labor that can endanger their babies

//////////////////////////////////////the DSM-5 embodies the first substantial change to psychiatric diagnosis in more than 30 years.

///////////////////////////////////////Sleepy Brains Think Freely.

.////////////////////////////Mice That Eat Yogurt Have Larger Testicles

////////////////////////////////////PRETRM=The survey estimated that 15 million premature babies are born each year, of which more than 1 million will die. Pre-term births range from a low of 5-6% of live births in Japan and some European countries, including Latvia and Sweden, to more than 16% in many African countries, with a high of 18.1% in Malawi . Some high-income countries have surprisingly high rates, such as the United States with 12%.

//////////////////////////////////////////////  If you think of behaviors as viruses, you can see that they’re more powerful—or contagious—when passed between people who have contact with each other—and we’re more likely to have contact with each other if we’re friends. However, some network structures are better suited to this than others.

///////////////////////////////////If a person became obese, the likelihood his friend would also become obese was 171%.

///////////////////////////////When smokers quit, their friends are 36% more likely to also quit

///////////////////////////////////Happy friends increased the likelihood of an individual being happy by 8%.


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