Thursday 27 June 2013


/////////////////////A growing body of evidence suggests we think and learn better when we walk or do another form of exercise.

//////////////EVO REASON= When our ancestors worked up a sweat, they were probably fleeing a predator or chasing their next meal. During such emergencies, extra blood flow to the brain could have helped them react quickly and cleverly to an impending threat or kill prey that was critical to their survival

///////////////............ the increased delivery of oxygen and critical nutrients is the fundamental explanation. There is no objective that should be ascribed, such as making us better able to make good decisions in critical situations - it's simply a matter of having increased volumes of consumable resources available to brain tissue that generally enhances performance. Increased production of hormones such as adrenaline also likely have beneficial effects that may be more objective oriented.

//////////////////////////.............. act of gathering food corresponds to low level cardio. It would be just as important to be alert and thinking when gathering food as when hunting. Some vegetation is nutritious and some is poisonous. Dangerous fauna abound. And you must be able to find your way home. There is so much to think about.


//////////////////POST STROKE PHYSIO=experts are hopeful that touching a stroke victim's hands and face could have a similar beneficial effect.

///////////////////////////.............. to look as money vs security. When you are scrounging to make ends meet insecurity is high and happiness is generally low. As income rises insecurity decreases and happiness generally goes up to a point. The problem is most people keep redefining security to their current frame. 

///////////////////////............. "experiences" seem to flee your aging memory long before your body flees the need for a roof, sustenance, and basic human needs. Don't underestimate the latter.

//////////////////COMPASSIONATE MEDITATION=“compassionate meditation” by focusing on a specific person while repeating a phrase like, “May you be free from suffering.” The subjects concentrated on five different people: A loved one, a friend, themselves, a stranger and then someone they were in conflict with.

///////////////////GLIA RUN BRAIN= glia. These busy little cells shape and insulate neural connections, provide vital nutrients for your neurons, regulate many of the automatic processes that keep you alive, and even enable your brain to learn and form memories.

/////////////////When we can no longer change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~Viktor Frankl

/////////////////////////////Beliefs are an editing system for the brain: in every moment, your brain observes your surroundings critically, eliminating what it perceives to be erroneous or inconsequential to your belief system, and focusing solely on what it considers to be vital and important to your specific worldview.

/////////////////////////////////One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching.” ~Unknown.

//////////////////////////////////We choose our own reality, whether we do it consciously or not.  We choose what to consider important.  We choose what will bring us happiness.

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