Monday 24 April 2017


The CHA2DS2-VASc system scores points up to a maximum of 9, for each of the following risk factors:  Age: <65 0="" 1="" 2="" 65="" a="" also="" and="" antagonist.="" anticoagulation="" apixaban="" aspirin="" atrial="" attack="" be="" cha2ds2-vasc="" congestive="" dabigatran="" diabetes="" disease="" etexilate="" failure="" female="" fibrillation="" for="" gender:="" guideline="" heart="" hypertension="" in="" indicates="" ischaemic="" it="" k="" low-to-medium="" low="" male="" mellitus="" moderate-to-high="" monotherapy="" more="" nice="" not="" notes="" of="" offered="" on="" or="" p="" people="" point="" points="" prevention="" recommends="" risk.="" risk="" rivaroxaban="" score="" should="" solely="" stroke="" that="" the="" these="" thromboembolism="" transient="" vascular="" vitamin="" with="">

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