Sunday 6 June 2021






The biosphere has evolved deterministically as a self-organized system, given the initial conditions of the sun-Earth system. The origin of life and the overall patterns of biotic evolution were highly probable outcomes of this deterministic process. These overall patterns include the emergence of oxygenic photosynthesis and the history of endosymbiogenesis, which resulted in the emergence of Eukarya (complex life) and its kingdoms. Evolution of procaryotes and complex life on terrestrial planets around sunlike stars are expected to have similar geochemical and climatic consequences. Thus, the main patterns would be conserved if “the tape were played twice,” a theory argued from computer simulations by Fontana and Buss (1994). The width of the habitable zone for Earth-like planets around sunlike stars for complex life may be substantially smaller than that for the appearance of biota, constrained by the presence of liquid water. Surface temperature history on terrestrial planets may be critical to the time needed to evolve complex life and intelligence. Biotically mediated cooling increases the width of the habitable zone for the possible occurrence and evolutionary time frame of complex life. For Earth-like planets within the habitable zone of stars less massive than the sun, the earlier emergence of complex life is expected, all other factors being the same


Lovelock’s own account is the most eloquent (Lovelock 1979). Briefly, Lovelock, working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the 1960s, concluded that the atmospheric composition of Mars should be indicative of the presence or absence of life. Several constituents in the Earth’s atmosphere, particularly oxygen and methane, are not in equilibrium with its crust, with measured fluxes being dramatically different from those expected on an abiotic Earth (figure 1-2). Thus, he concluded that any disequilibrium of Mars’ atmosphere with its crust should be strong evidence for life (as it turned out, Mars’ atmosphere is apparently close to chemical equilibrium with its crust, consistent with the present absence of a living surface biota, and the hegemonic consensus from the results of the Viking biology experiments; Gilbert Levin, the principal investigator for the labeled release experiment, has been one continuing dissenter).


The steadiness of mean planetary temperature for the past three thousand million years, the 700 million year maintenance of Earth’s reactive atmosp here . . . p oint to mammal-like purposefulness in the organization of life as a whole . . . Planetary physiology . . . is the holarchic outcome of ordinary living beings. The “purposefulness” of Gaian selfmaintenance derives from the living behavior of myriad organisms (Margulis and Sagan 1995, pp. 47–48).






biota helps soil


Ga giga-annum
A billion years or giga-annum (109 years)


🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 All Religion-Coordination 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

25th February, 1883 AD, Sunday
With devotees at Thakur's house in Dakshineswar
Sri Ramakrishna (to the devotees) -------
′′ If you tell me which statue should I think of; I will meditate on the statue which I like. But know that, all are the same.
′′ Don't hate anyone. Shiva, Kali, Hari --------- all are different forms of the same. Blessed is the one who did one.
′′ External Shiva, Kali in heart, Haribol in face.
′′ There is no body if there is no lust and anger. So y'all just try to reduce. ′′
(Sri Sri Ramakrishnakathamrit)


পল্লীবাসী ডাক্তার শশিভূষণ ঘোষ শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরের অন্যতম জীবনীকার ( মঠের নাম শশী ডাক্তার) গিরিশচন্দ্রকে প্রশ্ন করেন—“ভক্ত এক পা এগােলে ভগবান দশ পা এগিয়ে আসেন বা এই জাতীয় কোন উক্তি ঠাকুরের মুখে আপনি শুনেছেন কি?”
শােনামাত্র গিরিশচন্দ্র অত্যন্ত উত্তেজিত হয়ে সজোরে মাটিতে চাপড় মেরে বলে উঠলেন—“শশী ও-কথা শুনিনি, জানি না, মানি না, আমি জানি, আমি এক পাও এগােইনি, তিনি দশ পা এগিয়ে এসে আমায় কৃপা করেছেন।”
- ব্রহ্মগোপাল দত্ত (স্মৃতি-চয়ন, পৃ. ৪)

Affirm divine calmness and peace, and send out only thoughts of love and goodwill if you want to live in peace and harmony. Live a godly life yourself and everyone who crosses your path will be helped just by being with you.
– Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda


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