Wednesday 29 September 2021


By most scientific accounts, the current structure of our human brain is Middle Paleolithic, or more simply 200,000 years old. For a perspective of the world during that time, our ancestors were wandering around in what is now modern day Ethiopia, and there may have been as few as 10,000 of us. We were a rugged, small, nomadic race that somehow foraged through the tail-end of our evolution with a limited life expectancy of only 15 years. A far cry from what we experience today, the world was dangerous, unforgiving and harsh. So dangerous, in fact, according to the Toba catastrophe theory,  as early as 70,000 years ago the human race became almost extinct.


Early humans didn’t have the same peace of mind. Literally. Dan Siegel, M.D., founder of the discipline of interpersonal neurobiology, modeled nine functions of the prefrontal cortex:

  1. Regulating of the autonomic nervous system — staying calm and engaged
  2. Quelling the fear response
  3. Regulate emotions –resilience is not blocked by fear or shame
  4. Attunement — the felt sense of another’s experience, someone else
    “getting” ours
  5. Empathy — You know what I know, and I know that you know
  6. Response flexibility — pause, options, evaluate options, appropriate decision
  7. Insight — self-awareness
  8. Intuition — the “gut” feeling
  9. Morality
“Let’s see who can hear the sound of the two-ton, pre-historic murder beast in the bush before it bites your face off.

updating software on 200ky old human brain 


“… the behavior of others provides a rich source of information that individuals can use to improve their behavior without direct experience.”

Vitamin B6 has a potential role in preventing cytokine storms in COVID-19 patients, research suggests.


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