Wednesday 2 March 2022


 Choosing solitude can be a sign of self-acceptance and personal growth.


According to Michael Newton’s research (he took 7000 clients into ‘life between lives” in regression hypnotherapy sessions, including time ‘in utero” before birth) - the soul connects with the fetus between 4th and 6th month of pregnancy. It mostly stays outside the mother’s body, only creating energetic link with the fetus and working on the brain and body of the fetus to adjust it to its own energy and life plan.

But the connection between the soul of the child and the mother and father starts way before the pregnancy - in Spiritual Reality before the souls incarnate, they make plans with each other and agree on when the pregnancy will take place. If a woman miscarries or has an abortion - the same soul usually comes to her in the next pregnancy, if they had a spiritual plan to become a family.

However in books on children’s past lives (Ian Stevenson, Jim Tucker, and the recent book on Chinese cases) - spontaneously remembered by children without hypnosis - I have read some cases of souls entering a random womb at conception - because they were killed or died in an accident, and did not cross over into Spiritual Reality, but were wandering aimlessly as ghosts, looking for a new body - and if they saw a mating couple, they just jumped into the womb and attached to the cells, because they were so desperate for a new body. It is not a normal way of coming into a physical life, and in these lives they are confused, have no plans with any Soulmates, do not feel that they belong in that family, often demanding to be taken to their real family from the past life. But these cases are rare, most souls cross over into Spiritual Reality and get healing, life review, see their Guides and Council and plan the next life with their Soulmates. At some point before or after birth - the soul gets “veiled” and forgets about its past lives, Spirit World and plans for this life - so most people do not remember past lives or how they ended up in this family…


Here’s how the Bible explains it: Genesis 2:7 “And God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul.” In Hebrew soul is nephesh. In Greek, soul is psyche. It could be said that the breath of life makes the person alive or a soul, a person.

The breath of life is referred to in the Bible as the spirit. When the spirit goes out from a person, they die. Psalms 146:4 “His spirit goes out, he goes back to the ground, in that day, his thoughts do perish.” He is dead.

Once a baby is born and starts breathing, takes the first breath he is a soul, an alive person. It is the breath of life, the spirit, that makes him alive.

The Bible speaks of dead souls, Ezekiel 18:4 “Look all the souls to me they belong, the soul that is sinning, it itself will die.”

The Bible speaks of animals as being souls. Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, 25 “God went on to say, ‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls.. And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about.” “And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind …

For a clear understanding of what the Bible says about what happens when we die, about the soul, the spirit and about the resurrection of dead people back to this earth, an excellent website is It is in 1052 languages. It logically explains any questions you may have and has a few online Bibles in different translations. The search bar is in the upper right hand corner of the main website page.


If you are curious, the Buddhist view is that the mental continuum of whoever is being reborn enters the union of the sperm and ovum at conception, after spending a variable period of time in an intermediary state called the ‘bardo.’


 there aren’t different views on reincarnation in Buddhism. Buddhists believe that the soul floats searching the parents same as you mentioned about plans in your answer. The soul develops from the moment of conception and is reborn. Even the Buddha has had considered the time, place and region and mother to be reborn, according to what we’ve studied.


The soul enters thru the top of the baby's head…hence the soft spot when the mother gives birth it stays soft until this “soul" decides to stay. The doctor looking at things thru the “physical realm" will say the skull is just still forming or whatever but anybody in touch with the dimension beyond will tell you the life that entered is still deciding.


The RNLI states that anything below 15 Celsius/59 Fahrenheit, is considered cold water.

In the UK & Ireland, the average sea temperatures are 12 Celsius/53 Fahrenheit.

Someone not expecting the water to be so cold can go into what’s known as cold water shock



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