Monday 23 January 2023






Ekta Di, If I am holding a baby’s hand, there is touch perceived in awareness. Now, if the body falls asleep holding the baby’s hand the touch is no longer perceived in awareness. Awareness is permanent and is all-pervading so why is no sensation of waking state experienced in sleep? Ideally, if awareness is the only reality then the three states (waking/deep sleep/ dreaming) should be occurring in awareness and we should be fully aware in all three states as awareness.



When you hold the hand long enough, the sensation disappears into awareness. This means there is only Awareness. You had labeled it as a sensation. By labeling something, it does not become that dear.

By labeling a ‘wave’ as wave, it does not stop being water. By labeling sensation as sensation, it does not stop being ‘awareness’ dear. 

Saying that No sensation of waking state is experienced in deep sleep’ is like saying ‘No wave is experienced at the bed of the ocean’.

You are forgetting that a wave & the bed of the ocean are both nothing but water. You are forgetting that ’sensation’ [waking-state] and ‘deep sleep-state’ are nothing but awareness. Everything is only awareness. Everything is only consciousness. Every morning this becomes evident to you when you awaken that there is nothing for you to possibly experience outside of your own awareness/consciousness.

When you recognize the above truth in your own experience then only will it become possible for you to become aware in deep sleep that the body and brain are lying unconscious. Then you know the ‘absence of sensations’. That is also a knowing. Something needs to be there to know the absence as well. That Knowingness is not different from Awareness. 

At the moment, this is not your direct experience but you have the potentiality to get there once you recognize Ajata Vada [There is only consciousness] in your direct experience.


We live dependently, needing many many things for physical survival, happiness, love, and all that we want to accomplish. Second by second, our lives depend on oxygen, the plants that “exhale” it, the sun that drives photosynthesis, and the other stars that exploded billions of years ago to make every atom of oxygen in the next breath we take. From the moment of conception, we also need other people. You and I and everyone else are frail, soft, vulnerable, hurt by little things, and hungry for love. When we accept this universal fact, we’re not so hard on ourselves—and others.


“If you can’t explain it to a 6-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself,”... One of Albert Einstein’s most famous phrases


Consciousness has the potential to redefine literally everything. It’s the only thing we can personally be sure of. Everything else we see such as matter, physics, mathematics, space and time are only relative to the consciousness observing them. What we perceive as consciousness defines everything else we perceive, therefore until we understand what consciousness is, we really can’t say with 100% certainty what anything else is.



The way you have described the interaction of the micro tubes and the neurons would make me think this could be a biological transistor of sorts, where the gate is the micro tube. So now we have the quantum world effecting the classical world. Consciousness may be seated in the brain but it may ultimately exist outside in the quantum realm.


Standing out is the roughest path, only a few dare to take it.


Eckhart Tolle said something like: "Consciousness doesn't exist It doesn't stand out It isn't a thing in the field of our perceptions It has no form Consciousness is being itself"


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