Thursday 6 April 2023

Ram Path Gaman

MH370 kin
Many others in my circle of family and friends similarly believe in miracles. While I do believe that there are other worlds beyond the material world, that experience is not restricted to and by the senses, and that there is Intelligence that is all pervasive, I have been unable to go as far as to believe that this can act on my behalf, and in some sense, be an agent of my wish fulfilment. I have held the view that miracles are phenomena that we don’t have a rational explanation for yet, or that which my own state of evolution prevents me from having an appreciation of. Leaving these aside, I simply could not suspend my apprehension of an unfolding reality that was a tragedy with the expectation that a miracle was imminent. To speak aloud of my lack of belief in miracles was tantamount to questioning the faith of the believers, and very likely, a distasteful act from their point of view. My choice, then, was to stay focused on the facts as they emerged and not intrude into their entreaties to the gods.


don’t know what the future holds. The futility of dreams and plans rings true. Perhaps a start might be in taking one’s more immediate wishes and desires seriously. Travel to new lands. Meet new people. Open out to new experience. Express oneself more fully. Let go of grudges. Give up the fixity of old narratives that come in the way. Maybe rewrite the story as new facts and experiences emerge and prompt a review.
Every retelling of a story is never the same since the storyteller seldom remains frozen or impervious to new facts and frames. What remains an exciting prospect is revisiting this story once again after some time has elapsed, through the refreshed lens of a “newer” me, who, in a paradoxical twist, will be an “older” me. Recall Carl Jung, who said: ‘The past is as uncertain as the future’.


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