Tuesday 27 June 2023


After watching Unwrapped, it struck me how similar the process was to visual processing. Original visual information gets pulverized nearly beyond recognition, then reassembled into a form your brain wants. To close out our discussion, I’d like to let’s review this process. Three steps should do it.

#1) Visual information is collected by the retina and transformed into an electrical language the brain can understand.

#2) The information is whisked away to primary visual cortex, a region near the back of the head. It’s analyzed and deconstructed, with individual parts shuttled to different regions of the brain. The fragments are eventually reassembled, edited and shaped, ready to percolate into your awareness.

#3) Only after all this preparation has occurred are you are given permission to perceive the visual information as a perceptual “whole”. Given these machinations, it is unsurprising that the information’s final form is almost never a one-to-one duplication of the original input.

See? Its just like can-based chips.

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