Sunday 28 January 2024

TA. Ego dissoln


There really is no such thing as ego. There are no ‘separate entities’ at all, only Being. There is only an illusion of a “someone” that owns & runs a ‘personal’ life, with its own aggregate of awareness, intellect, memory and egoity,

Another way of saying this is Being appears to be projecting a movie, a dream, and “we” are merely the dream-characters, inert organisms in consciousness. There is only Being, playing all the roles.

But because the dream-characters appear to borrow Being’s consciousness, they seem real, separate, and in possession of “their own” judgments, free will, survival strategies and choices, i.e., ‘ego.’ As if, not only is there is the organism and its intuitive, visceral responses, but there’s an actual ‘self’ in there. There isn’t.

Since “we” think we are real egos, our ego cannot destroy itself. Nor can it catch the initiation & follow-through of its mechanisms. It’s too instant and automatic. There’s no ‘time’ to catch our next ego response and, sort of, drive a ‘wedge’ in between the inert organism and the illusory ego which claims it as ‘its own,’ as the individual ‘self’ things are happening to.

The good news is, it’s not necessary.

Because this false ego or ‘self’-identity is merely an object in our true identity, Being. Look carefully (and often) and you will see a vast silence & stillness that is pure awareness, never disturbed, an indescribable is-ness and peace that passes all ego’s understanding.

Anything egoic - thoughts, feelings, desires, reactions, defense mechanisms, etc. - is merely the content - always in some state of disturbance, dissatisfaction and fleeting unfulfillment. The boundless stillness is the container. That’s You - with the capital “Y.”

So let the ego think it’s real and do whatever it does. It’s merely Being playing a role in “your” apparent location, delighting in it, and killing off that character very soon (sooner than the ‘ego’ thinks.:-)

Dwell instead in & as The Stillness that is nameless, formless, boundless and eternal.

“All ego-activity is like waves. Watch them disappear on the vast still Ocean.”

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