Wednesday 31 January 2024

WBXM experienced in Awareness


परम ब्रह्म speaks through him.


So-called MTHFR mutations are a popular scapegoat often used by alternative medicine practitioners652 to prescribe special supplements (that they not-so-coincidentally may also sell) for a variety of common ailments.653 MTHFR is an enzyme our body makes to activate folate. A common variant of the MTHFR gene, which has DNA code letter T rather than the more common C at the 677th position, makes for a less functional enzyme. This can have epigenetic implications, as those who got the T variants from both parents (about 10 percent of the global population)654 have diminished DNA methylation, but only when their folate intake is low. 655 If you get enough folate, your methylation levels are the same regardless of whether you have the T variants. Similarly, those with two of the T variant genes may have higher risk of cancer, but, again, it’s only among those not getting enough folate.656 You don’t need a special kind of folate either. The folate in foods and folic acid in supplements and enriched foods are perfectly usable, irrespective of which gene type you have


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