Friday 2 February 2024

For the consciousness to be choiceless it should be devoid of object first.


Krishna emphasizes Bhakti yoga as the key to achieving his grace because it focuses on cultivating a deep and personal relationship with him, leading to inner transformation and ultimately, self-realization.

It's important to note that the Bhagavad Gita does not negate the value of external practices. Instead, it emphasizes their limitations and encourages their integration with Bhakti yoga for a more complete spiritual journey.


Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there.

–Gospel of Thomas, saying 77



How do you want to stop thinking, forcefully?

If you stop thinking forcefully either you will become insane or you will end your life. Thinking gets stopped with awareness when you become aware about your thoughts.

When meditation goes deeper then yes it helps in erasing unnecessary thinking which you do. And a day comes when this thinking gets stopped and you get enlightened.

Enlightenment is always here, but it takes time to become aware with it.

If I say you are already enlightened, you may not take it seriously, but it's true.



I just turned 82. Things (less energy and stamina, aching joints and muscles, sleep problems, word retrieval, etc) started going downhill after age 75, but after age 80, there was a steeper slide. I just have to adjust my expectations as to what I am able to do now. Traveling is much harder, which is the biggest disappointment.


2024 is based on christian calendar, not vedic calendar. 2024 years before from today, Jesus Christ, was born. From his birth, till now it's 2024 years. Seeing from the perspective of christian calendar, Kṛṣṇa appeared on 2976 BC(approx.) or 2976 years before Christ. So we are in 2024 AD or 2024 years after Christ. Thus, summing up 2976 and 2024, it becomes 5000 years. So Kṛṣṇa appeared 5000 years before.

Simply put, when you calculate in terms of christian calendar, Kṛṣṇa appeared in 2976(approx.) BC and summing up 2024 with 2976, it becomes 5000 years.


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